1; The Piercing

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               jules; meet back in 5?  
                                                                                               fs. p/u in the swag mobile.

               jules; 1 step ahead of u babe. x

Im texting Julia so normally like im not sitting here about to start sobbing. I just embarrassed myself in front of everyone im going to SAI with in 3 months.
I check my phone again, and again, and again, and then I fall onto my bed with my phone in my hand ringing, and ringing, and honestly will it ever shut up? I open instagram and see
the one story i pray not to see every day i live. His story. I close instagram and text Julia.

                                                                                                        how close are you?

bang. The door swings open and there Julia is., standing with her perfect dyed hair, her perfect white teeth, her perfect green eyes, but i see something new, "Holy shit you got a belly piecing!" I stand up and hug her, then slap her. "What the fuck was that for hoe?" She pushes me onto the floor, I stand up and gaze at the skull dangling from the piercing.
"Without me you little whore?" I say, laughing at her piercing even though it's really
fucking cool. "Don't worry, I have something for you too." She says as she pulls out an at-home piercing kit. "No way." I say as I back up, as if she just murdered someone.
"Come on, I did it and didn't get an infection! It's your turn now." She looks at me from the mirror, "Unless your too much of a pussy?" I yank it out of her hand. "Come on let's get this shit on with, I want one too!" I lay down and pull my shirt up just enough for my bra not to be exposed. She's on facetime with her new boyfriend, Tyler. Or maybe this one's Jaden? Either way it's a new douchebag.

"Isn't it gonna hurt babe?" He says as he chugs a beer. "No Jared it's not. It'll just sting for a second, like a shot!" Jared, got it. She shoots the needle through my skin "Holy fuck!" I shout as I squirm trying to find my phone, again. Will the bed rotting get so bad I'll never be able to find it? "Summer stop acting like a pansy and look at how badass you are!" Julia's never been the type to say I look bad, or maybe she does and I just don't realize it.
"Jules look at what he just posted." I found my phone but it doesn't seem like mine anymore, it feels like hes taken it over. "Let me see." I hand her my phone and shove my face into a pillow. "Sum get over him already. Hes been at college for like, a year and you've been in college for like, never?" Julia's not dyslexic, but she sure as hell doesn't know how to speak properly. "Can we go to the skatepark now Jules." I say as I put my shoes on, I've had them since middle school and they're honestly mad worn out since I go to college in 3 months.

"Bye Jared" I say as I hang up for Jules, "Lets go Sum."

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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