Time For A Break

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You arrive at your mom's private beach house, excited that the Maknae line is coming. They have a week off after their most recent concert tour, and you can't wait to see them, especially your Kooki.

Jungkook enters your mom's home with Tae and Jimin right behind him. As soon as his eyes light upon you, he drops his bag, rushes, and takes you in his arms, kissing you as if it were the last time.

You're laughing with joy and kissing him back. Bam, who has been staying with your mom while the boys were on tour, comes bounding in tongue, lolling in happiness. He jumps his front paws on Jungkook's chest, his tail wagging excitedly. Jungkook enthusiastically pets him while you rub Bam behind his ears.

You tell Jungkook, "Mom says he has been such a good boy." Still rubbing Bam behind his ears, you look at Jungkook.

Jungkook laughs and says, "Your mom means Bam, right, not Taehyung?"

Tae hears that and says, "I heard that! I am a good boy," they all laugh.

Taehyung breaks from your mom's hug and teases you, "Will you rub me behind the ears now, too, Ji-ah?"

Laughing, your mom swats Tae on the shoulder, saying, "Now you behave." Then she grins at him, saying, "You be a good boy, and I'll make your favorite noodles." He gives her cheek another kiss.

"Thanks, Mom."

"What about me? I'm a good boy, too." Says Jimin after kissing her other cheek.

"You are all my good boys," she says proudly.

Jimin and Taehyung are greeting your mom with hugs and kisses on the cheek, then turn their attention to Bam, who runs over to greet them with doggie kisses and a whipping happy tail.

With Bam now getting love from Taehyung and Jimin, Jungkook takes you back in his embrace for more kisses before sitting you down on your feet and going to hug your mom.

While Jungkook speaks to her, Jimin and Tae hug and kiss you.

Jimin says, "We have missed you being with us, Ji."

Tae dramatically complains pouting, "It hasn't been the same without you on tour with us. You left right in the middle of it."

You glance over at Jungkook and lower your voice. "You two know why," you smile at them. They smile back, nodding.

Concerned for you, Jimin asks, "How have you been doing? Is everything going okay?"

You smile at him. "Yes, it is."

Tae hugs you and says, "Name him after me."

You interject, "What if the baby is a girl?"

They ignore your comment and get caught up in bickering with each other.

Jimin says, "No, she should name the baby after me. I love her more."

Tae says, "No, you don't. The baby should be named after their uncle Tae."

They are starting to get loud, playfully arguing, and you don't want Kooki to know yet. You want to surprise him.

"Shh, shh, guys, quiet down." Laughing, you say, "You two want to take that debate outside?" They sheepishly blush, apologize, and change the subject.

Jungkook comes close and holds you in a back hug so he can still face the guys.

"What's so funny?" he asks, showing his bunny smile.

You, Tae, and Jimin laugh knowingly, and then Tae says, "We are talking about who can be the first to reach the ocean waves."

Always up to a challenge, Jungkook shouts, "Okay!" Suddenly lets you go and runs toward the back deck door.

Caught by surprise at him taking off, the three of you stand there in silence and burst out laughing as you try to catch up. Yelling and laughing, you all are headed down to the beach, shoes, sandals, and shirts being tossed aside.

You have a solid-colored camisole under your shirt so that you can toss aside your shirt, too. You haven't laughed this much in a long time. You have your Kooki back and your two best friends. Things may heal more between you now that Kooki is back.

Your mom loves them as if they were her sons-Jungkook especially, as he is her son-in-law. As she walks out onto the deck, she recalls Taehyung and Jimin always being a part of your life growing up in the same neighborhood, earning the neighborhood nickname of the 'Topsy-Turvy Trio' by turning the streets you lived on upside down with your crazy goofy antics.

Once you entered your teenage years, the neighborhood was glad for the reprieve when the three of you focused more on school and preparing for careers. Though they did miss the fun-loving chaos from time to time, the whole neighborhood is proud of their Topsy-Turvy Trio.

Your mom, laughing, walks to the railing on the upper deck and smiles as she watches you folic in the ocean with them. She whispers to herself, "I have missed my boys."

A tear slips down her cheek as she turns back to the house. She thinks of Si-U, your and Jungkook's baby boy. She hopes this break will help to heal a rift that seems to be widening between you and Kooki.

Later, as evening approaches, you and Kooki are snuggled on the couch, watching a movie with the rest. Kooki kisses you. Oh, how you have missed the softness of his lips. You both fall asleep on the couch before the movie finishes.

Your mom placed a light blanket over you after the movie ended, and Tae and Jimin left the living room. She smiled lovingly at you sleeping in his arms and then turned the lights down. She picked up her book and little clip-on booklight and went to the deck to read. She always found the sound of the surf coming ashore relaxing and perfect for reading or napping.

The sun is just beginning to set as Tae walks along the beach, admiring the beautiful sky. The deepening golden orb creates a halo outline around his body as the breeze wanders like lovers' fingers through his hair. Tae deeply inhales the refreshing scent of the ocean, clearing away the lingering smell of airports, airplanes, and changing rooms.

He sighs heavily as the tension in his shoulders releases. He has his cell phone out, texting his girlfriend, Shari, again, concerned that she wasn't answering his calls or replying to his texts. Since being hired as a stylist by their company, she seems distant or distracted. He puts his phone away, figuring she was busy with her newly assigned group's tour, which had just finished recently.

He softly sings as he thinks of her. His thumb caresses' the screen of his phone absentmindedly as if it were her cheek.

In one of the guest rooms, Jimin is face-timing with his love, giggling, and being silly. "I miss you so much, Jenny. I wish you could have come to the beach with us. Since before I left on tour, we haven't had 'couple-time' together, and I need you."

"I know, and I miss you too, Jimin. But my grandmother's funeral is the day after tomorrow. I have to catch a flight to France in the 'oh too early morning,' and I will be gone for two weeks helping my family settle her estate."

Jimin and his girlfriend talk about her grandmother's unexpected death and the trip to France. Then, the conversation turns to how much they miss each other and what they want to do when they are together again. There is blushing on both ends, and Jimin eventually falls asleep while holding the phone, not wanting to end the call. If this is the only way to fall asleep with her, then he will take it for now.

Jenny watches him quietly fall asleep and ends the call with an "I love you, Jimin, rest well." She kisses her finger and places it on Jimin lips before ending the call.

Little do they know this is the only tranquil night before things start to fall apart, and a breaking point for Tae, Jungkook, and Jiah becomes unstoppable.

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