The Absence Of Euphoria

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Back in time to the day the group had to leave on that tour. (part 3)

 By that evening, his bandmates gave the company an ultimatum, and with the backing of Army, they won. The company had a private charter flight to take Jungkook back home. Not wanting him to travel alone, Jimin went with him. 

Jimin and Jungkook arrive at the children's hospital, their hearts racing with anxiety and dread. Unable to contain their emotions, tears fell as they rushed to Si-U's room. Both were oblivious to the curious glances cast their way. 

The moment they stepped into his son's room, a wave of relief at seeing you and his son is rapidly replaced with overwhelming grief. You practically flew off the bed, your tears of pain mingling as you embraced each other. 

With both of you sobbing, Jimin went over to little Si, still attached to the machine, keeping his little body alive till his daddy could get there. Jimin leans down and hugs him. He kisses him on his forehead and cheeks, his tears falling. He holds his hands, remembering the day he was born and the euphoria and pride that seemed to ebb from Jungkook seeing his son for the first time. Jimin's hands flew to cover his face, and he collapsed in tears on the floor by the bed.

 Jungkook walked slowly over to little Si, wrapping his arm around you. Si's nurse entered and quietly spoke to Jungkook. He nodded and pulled you closer. 

He could hardly speak. "He, he looks like he's sleeping," Jungkook choked up and couldn't say more. You and Jungkook sat on the little couch, waiting. Jimin stands near the bed, his eyes puffy from crying.

The nurse disconnects all the lines, wires, and tubing and then carries Si, placing him in Jungkook's arms; he cradles his son, crying and rocking him, kissing his little face.

 Leaning into Jungkook for strength, holding Si's little hand in yours with tears running down your face, you tenderly whisper, "Our Baby Bunny," and bury your head against Jungkook and Si's little body, sobbing.

Openly crying, Jimin leaves, collapsing in a chair outside the room, his head buried in his hands. He was there the day Si was born, teasing Jungkook, saying Si looked just like him. He tenderly cooed, "Don't you, Baby Bunny?" the nickname stuck. Other fond memories start to replay when he is startled from his thoughts.

 He hears a heart-rending sob as Jungkook cries out his son's name. It is heard up and down the hall. Jimin, barely able to stand, pulls the door closed. He remains leaning on it, sobbing for the pain in his heart for you, his maknae, and his precious Baby Bunny.  He peers through the small window into the room, watching you and Jungkook hold your son for one last time. 

As he turns away from the door he suddenly hears a whispered: "Un ca Chimmy." He snaps around, looking for the person who spoke, only to feel a little hand take hold of his. 

One of the nurses saw him falling and ran to him. Jimin had gone unconscious.


Present time at the airport and Mrs. Park's beach house.

Angry, Shari decided to go ahead and send you and Tae the pictures she had been using to blackmail Jungkook.  Oh, she was pissed, humiliated, and irrational after being made to depart the plane LAST! She looked everywhere for Jungkook, getting angrier and more irrational the longer she had to search for him. 

Unable to find him, she stopped and pulled her phone out of her purse. Jungkook's fate was sealed. She hit send, not only to you and Tae but to the whole group. She smiled maliciously as she put her phone away. 'This should be good. I can't wait to see his life destroyed,' she thought.

She figured now was the perfect time since she could no longer use it against him. She would ruin him instead. She mumbles to herself, "Jungkook's such a loser. I should have stayed with Taehyung. He was so easy to manipulate." Once outside, she hails a taxi. As she gets in, she wonders what EXO is up to.


After receiving the pictures, you are crushed by Jungkook's betrayal and completely break down. Taehyung had just received the same pictures from Shari and was devastated. He planned on asking her to marry him when he returned home. Jimin hears you and Tae sobbing out in anguish at the same time. 

Trying to figure out what was wrong, he went looking for you when he received the pictures, and now he knew what had happened. Shari had sent the blackmail pictures to all the members. Having found you and Tae embraced in each other's arms, sobbing, it broke Jimin's heart to see you two hurt so badly. He headed to the deck for a walk on the beach. He was angry and felt they had all been betrayed by her. He punched the screen out of the back door as he went out.

Inconsolable and minds and hearts devastated, you and Tae find comfort in each other's embrace. He gently kisses your cheek. "It will be, be . . okay. . . we. . . we . . ." 

He can't stop his tears, and he can't think straight. You hold him close, crying against his chest, and you look up and gently caress his face, wiping away his tears. 

As your hand approaches his lips, he holds your hand there and kisses your palm.  "Tae, I just want to die. . ." He begins kissing your face, your tears, your lips. At first, you start to pull away but crush your lips to his, wanting to feel anything but the hurt tearing you apart.

One thing leads to the next, and you wake up in Tae's bed.  You suddenly sit up, holding the sheet over your chest, seeing Tae sleeping. When you moved to sit up, the sheet had come with you, leaving him bare. You are so ashamed. How could you do this to Jungkook?

 'Wait! He left me. HE- LEFT- ME! How long had the affair been going on with Shari? Is that why he kissed me like it was the last time because it was?' 

You whimper softly, "It still doesn't make what I did right."

Tae opens his eyes and looks at you. He moves closer, and you can feel the warmth radiate from his body. He softly runs his hand down the soft skin of your back as he covers himself with a pillow. Without looking at him, you say, "Tae? Did we . . . ?" 

He answers with guilt and sadness, "Yes." 

Taking the sheet, you flop back down on the bed and put your arm over your eyes, crying. "Tae, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for, I didn't . . ." You both drank last night after crying, which didn't help numb the pain. 

Tae gets up, puts on his pants, and hands you his robe. "Jiah, please don't cry." He heaves a heavy sigh and says, "We were both so lost in our grief and pain and when, and then . . ." He sighs again, disappointed by what he has done, and scolds himself.  'She's pregnant, and I let her drink! You did more than that, dumbass!'  

He looks over at the empty bottle. "I'm so sorry, Jiah. You know I would never do anything to hurt you. I shouldn't have let you drink." He grabs the bottle, slamming it into the waste basket.

"We both shouldn't have."

You wipe your eyes as you sit up to put on the robe and tell him, "It's not your fault. One thing led to another, and here we are." The tears in your eyes were tears of shame.

Tae reaches out for your hand, but you pull away. He pleads with you, "Please don't cry, Jiah." 

You step away from the bed, gather your clothes, and head to the bathroom. 

Tae mumbles, "Shit," as he finishes getting dressed. He sits in the bedroom chair, waiting for you to come out of the bathroom. He hears the shower start and heads to the bathroom. He opens the door a little and asks, "Jiah?" You don't answer because you didn't hear him. 

He can hear you crying in the shower, so he quietly closes the door and heads to the kitchen.

 He sees Jimin at the kitchen sink and, with remorse, enters, saying, "Hi, Jimin." 

Jimin looks at him, his eyes clearly showing his disappointment. "How could you, Tae, how could you!?" 

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