A Night To Forget

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On the plane back home, Jungkook tries to sleep, but memories of last night keep him awake.

He had gone out swimming in the ocean and then sat on the deck with Jiah's mom. They talked about everyday things when Mrs. Park noticed a woman on the beach. "Jungkook, do you know her? She's waving at us."

Jungkook stands and looks out over the beach. 'Oh my god. Please, not her. Not here.' He is gripping the deck rail so hard that his knuckles turn white while he watches her wave harder.

Mrs. Park stands, asks, "Does she need help, Jungkook?" and heads down the steps. He stops her.

"You stay here, and I'll go check." Jungkook bounds down the steps to the beach, and Mrs. Park leans on the railing and watches.

Your mom could tell voices were raised, and their hand gestures seemed agitated. "Hmm," she turned and sat, picking her book up to read. Thinking that if the lady needed help, Jungkook would bring her to the house.

Distressed, Jungkook was unaware that Mrs. Park was still outside on the deck.  The deck looked empty from his angle on the beach, and he thought she must have gone inside. 

Jungkook pulled Shari out of sight under the deck, not wanting Taehyung to see her. He knew Tae thought she was on tour with the rest of the crew of the group she was working with.

But unknown to him, Mrs. Park was still on the deck, and this is what she heard:

After several minutes of trying not to nod off, she heard Kooki talking to someone. She knew it wasn't Jiah, though the voice sounded familiar. Trying to figure out who it could be, she remained still, barely breathing. The woman purred like a cat in cajoling whispers. She wonders, 'Is it the woman from the beach earlier?'

She hears a harsh whisper from Jungkook, "What are you doing here?"

"You know why I'm here, sweetling."

Mrs. Park quickly places a hand over her mouth to cover the gasp of surprise.

"I have something for you, sweetheart. I came all the way out here to give it to you."

He says, "You have nothing I want."

Mrs. Park almost cheered him on but caught herself. She hears rustling, and then Jungkook lets out a gasp.

"Oh my God! You, you had this?!" his voice angry. He grabbed her and shook her, "WHY? Shari WHY?"

Calmly, she says, "Sweetheart, you are hurting me. Let go."

Mrs. Park can hear Jungkook crying. Getting angry, she is about to go down to them but stops when she hears the sob ripped from his throat. 

"It's Si-u's daddy and baby bunny! We looked everywhere for this! Everywhere, and YOU had it the whole time!?" 

So many emotions rushed to the forefront that he almost lost control. He held his fists clenched at his sides, and his tongue worked the inside of his cheek out of habit.

Mrs. Park's heart is breaking. She can't believe what she is hearing. "How the hell does Shari have Daddy Bunny?' She stays very still, listening intently.  'Why the hell is she here? Does Tae know?'

Shari smiles at him. "I was holding it for you, sweetheart." She says in a cloyingly sweet voice.

He harshly says, "You evil bitch! Do you have any idea what this meant to Si-U, to me, and Jiah!? Give it to me!" he tries to grab it from her.

She says, snatching it closer, "Not now, sweetling. I will keep it safe until we get home. You are going home with me. I will pick you up tomorrow morning."

Jungkook demands, "Hell no! Give it to me now!"

"I said when we got home. Or would you rather Jiah gets the pictures?"

Mrs. Parks thinks she has an idea of what is happening, and her heart is breaking. She knew there was something off about that woman. 

Before Si was diagnosed with cancer, Jiah and Si used to go everywhere Jungkook and his bandmates went. They loved little Si-U, the first child to be born to the group. He was spoiled by all his 'uncles.' 

Mrs. Park remembers when Jimin gave Si the small Cooki plush he had custom-made with a detachable baby Cooki held in its arms. He said it was 'Daddy Bunny and Baby Bunny.' He explained in childlike terms to Si that he could still have his daddy bunny with him during treatments, and Jungkook could have his baby bunny with him while on tour, so they never would have to be a part.

You and Jungkook loved the gift and knew how much it comforted Si. When Jungkook had to leave for that tour, Si was scheduled to start treatment the following day. His cancer had returned, and it was worse than before.


Back in time to the day the group had to leave on that tour. (part 1)

For two days before they were to leave on tour, everyone—the staff and even Shari—looked frantically for Daddy and Baby Bunny. The day they arrived to leave, they still had not found them.

At the airport, Si-U was crying. He wanted his Daddy Bunny to be there with him.

Jungkook tried to explain to him that he would always be there, whether Si-U could see him or not. But how do you explain that to a two-and-a-half-year-old? He wanted his Daddy Bunny. Secretly, Jungkook wanted his Baby Bunny too. 

Whenever he had to go away for work, Si could keep Daddy Bunny to hold, and Jungkook would take Baby Bunny with him. Little Si loved having his Daddy Bunny and thought it was funny his daddy took Baby Bunny to work with him when he was to be gone for any length of time.

Finally, the staff had to let Jungkook know he had to get on the plane. He wouldn't leave Si's side holding on to you and his crying son.

Jimin, Tae, Hobi, and Yoongi came and had to physically pull Jungkook away from his family to get him on the plane.

You held Si tightly as he cried, reaching for his real daddy bunny. None of the members or staff had a dry eye as they boarded the plane. Your mom is trying to block the scene from gathering reporters.

Once boarded on the plane Jungkook broke down, and Jimin, Hobi, and Taehyung tried to console him. Yoongi sat beside Namjoon, earnestly talking to him. The others, busy trying to calm Jungkook before taking their seats and preparing for takeoff, were unaware of the conversation.

Mrs. Park embraced you, holding Si, and tried to calm you down. "Come on, my babies, we need to leave. The media is having a field day with this."

Looking at your mom and seeing reporters clustering nearby, you nod in understanding.

Shari approaches and gives you and Si a hug. She says, "The rest of the staff and I are on the next plane, which leaves in half an hour. I will keep an eye on your daddy for you, Si." 

She caresses his little arm, and he turns, pulling his arm closer to you, and buries his little face into the crook of your neck.

Smiling gratefully at Shari through your tears, you thank her, "Thank you, Shari, and please take care of Tae, too."

"Oh girl, you know I will take care of my Tae." She smiles and waves bye to Mrs. Park as she goes to the gate to board her plane.

Your mom leans close and whispers, "I don't like her, Jiah. Something is off about that girl."

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