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(Please pretend she has brow eyes I didn't notice that both Frank and his wife had brown eyes and I don't want to do a recast)

*This is season 1 episode 4 when they are at the warehouse*

*This is season 1 episode 4 when they are at the warehouse*

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3rd person point of view

* this is for thoughts

"* for dreams

" for talking

When frank covers the mouth of the guy in the chair Lieberman comes out from hiding.

"There... uh a dead man in a wheelbarrow out there." Lieberman said while trying not to puke.

"Yeah, i didn't do that." frank says.

"Did you do this?" Lieberman asked.

"Yeah, i did this because they did that." Frank said.


"what, are you going to puke?"

"I'm not gonna-"

"Hey! Do not leave your DNA for the police all right? Just-" Frank was cut off by an arrow flying through the air and killing the person in the chair.

"What the hell." Frank whispers.

A person drops from the top of the building she has dark brown hair that is in a braid, has a tight black outfit on with a bow in hand and a bag arrows on her back. She also has widow bites on her wrists and a gun at her side. She has no emotion on her face. She takes out her gun points it at Frank about to shoot but before she can shoot Frank attacks her and they both start to fight and when frank gets the upper hand her knocks her unconscious.

"I thought you kill all the people that kill innocent people or something." Lieberman says.

"Yeah, this person is not with any of this people and i want to know why go after that person then us." Frank says while picking up her body. He felt that she looked familiar but pushed that feeling aside.

"Yeah, ok so what now?" Lieberman asks.

"You get the van and let's go." Frank says while opening the car door of the mustang put the girl in it then opens the door to the front seat.

"All this and your taking the mustang?"

"Always buy American." Frank said before getting in the car and driving away.

Time skip

Frank ties her up on the chair with zip ties.

"She should wake up soon."

Lieberman just nodded because to him this felt wrong.

The girl wakes up to unknown surroundings she sees frank and she was cursing herself and Dreykov as she remembers what happened. She puts on a mask and fakes a sly smirk.

"Hi Frank."

That voice sounds familiar but he pushes that feeling away.

"Who are you?" Frank asks.

"Aw you don't remember me." She says faking sadness and sympathy it hurt her to do this but she had to do it.

"You know her?" Lieberman asks confused.

Frank shakes his head no, he is confused as he is.

"Let me refresh your memory then your youngest daughter. mini you and was put as missing for awhile but is now said to be dead." She says.

no one besides people he is friends with know that they called her a mini him and that she was said to be missing but then was put as dead.


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