Car Chase

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3rd point of view:


"Yup and by the way these zip ties suck," Mia says as she simply lifts her arms a bit and they snap off.

David and Frank looked baffled when she just simply ripped them off. Frank quickly recovers from it.

"Where have you been this 4 years? You were said to be missing then since they didn't find you they said you were dead."

" The fact that you believed I was dead is shocking Frank." She said ignoring his first question because she didn't want to tell him.

It hurt Frank a bit when he heard her say his actual name instead of dad.

"Well of course i thought you were dead you didn't even show up to say you were alive." He says a little pissed off.

She looked away from him and closed her eyes tightly she wanted to tell him but then what would he think of her she killed a lot of innocent people. She didn't even think she deserved to call him dad after what she did no one would want her as a daughter. She can't even remember much she just remembers her family, her dads friends and the day she was taken at the fair after her family plus her got shot.

Frank notices her being quiet and as much as he hates that she did not tell him she was alive he still cares for her.

"Hey, you okay?" Frank asks.

She turns around and fakes being fine because she is what she is best at.

"Yeah, we can talk about this later." She says.

Frank just nod and turns to David.

"Now that you two are finally done we have to get going." David says.

They get in the car and drive away. Mia tries to convince Frank to have her go with him but he is determined to have her stay in the car with David.

*if only he knew* Mia thought as she was sitting in the car with David.

Homeland security is making sure everyone is in there spots and when before Frank goes on the truck David plays "I Feel Love" through the the headsets of Homeland security. In the car David is singing along to it.

Mia turns and looks at him. She furrows her eyebrows. The song seems familiar but she can't remember it, all her memories are fuzzy to her.

"What is this song?" She asks him.

"Your joking right, you truly don't know this song?" David asks.

"No, i don't know this song."

"God, you are so uncultured."

She shrugs her shoulders and turns back to looking straight forward. After a while David drives to where they are meeting Frank. Mia stays in the car as Frank and David switch cars. Mia puts her feet on the dashboard as David and Frank switch places. When Frank gets in the car and when he checks that Mia is there and he sees her feet on the dashboard.

"Feet off dashboard." He says then sweeps her feet off the dashboard.

She rolls her eyes at him.

"Don't roll your eyes at me." Frank says as he is starting to drive the car.

"Yeah, yeah." She says.

There is a bit of silence but then frank breaks it.

"So, are going to tell me where you have been all these years?" Frank asks but it is more like a demand.

"Are we seriously going to start this up again?"

"Yes, we are because i would like to now where my daughter has been."

"I am not your daughter" she wants to say but she doesn't to break his heart.

"Look, some people took me and injected with some serum that amplifies everything and then they brainwashed me to be a killer with a bunch of other girls that they took. That is all i will tell you for now." She says looking a way from him because she does not want to see the disappoint or disgusted look on his face.

Fran did not know what to say because he could never imagine his little girl going though that or killing anyone even if he did see her kill an innocent person.

Before he could say anything David sees Dinah following them.

"Frank, we got compony"

"You head for the highway, I'll cut 'em off" Frank replies back to him.

Frank speeds up and when he turns he stops and so does Dinah.

"What is happing?" David asks Frank.

"Just keep driving, you know were to go." Frank says as he turns and Dinah follows him and it is starting to turn into a car chase.

when they think they are clear then Dinah come on the opposite side of them. Frank and Dinah both stop and start getting there cars ready to go after each other. They start heading at each other and when they are about an inch away from each other the van David comes in and crashing Madani 's car.

Frank stops and gets out of the car while Mia just stays in the car. Frank gets Dinah out of the car and sets her down. Frank gets in the car and starts driving after David starts driving the van.

"That was stupid of you." Mia says to frank.

"Yeah, Yeah." He says unbothered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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