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I've been a really busy woman. I tend to Abel, tend to my husband, satisfy him, keep check on pops, working, & making sure I stay distressed so little Miss Selenia isn't bothered or anything.

though Donna still tests my patience and ignores the warnings. 

but I told Opie if she doesn't stop I'm gonna show her how crazy and dead serious this woman is.

 I am nearing my end of pregnancy just waiting for little Selenia to come. Jax has helped me out in countless ways. and I've showed him numerous times how much I appreciate him and what he's done for me during this pregnancy.

I am sitting beside Jax at the club house while pops sits before me since Gemma has Abel cause she's wanting to watch him for a few nights.

"you ready for the shit show?" pops asked

"what of having a daughter?" Jax asked

"Yea" pops replied

"hey. I take that offensive I am your daughter and I wasn't a shit show" I say looking at pops hurt.

"honestly you were more like a boy." he says

"You treated me like one. cause you have wanted a son for so long and since the other two shit heads abandon you and I was the only one that gave a shit and still gives a shit whether you live or die. not coming to you only for money or something. you decided to treat me like a boy and teach me guy things" I say

"so you weren't a shit show" pops exclaims

"Well Selenia isn't gonna be a shit show she will be way much better than your last to offsprings." I tell him

"I know cause you know how to treat people and how to make them feel like they are human not a bank." pops says

I inclined my head

the conversation switched to something else before Hurch was called and the guys disappeared behind the two doors.

I went to use the bathroom when little miss chose that particular time to come.

I grabbed the closest thing to me which was Kip's kutte and I dug my nails into it as I cried out and as the contraction hit.

when he stopped I let his kutte go.

"sorry" I say before I head for the church doors.

when Pops opens the door he sees me leaning against the other door.

"sorry JT to disrupt church but I'm in labor so I need your son" I tell him

Jax jumped up and left right as JT dismissed the church for the time being. promising to pick up later.

Jax scooped me up and rushed me off to my car before he placed me in the back while Dad rushed and got in the driver's seat as Jax sat in the back with me and coached me through every contraction.

Selenia's birth felt like it was never ending. but the minute she was born and after she got cleaned up I got to hold her and I fell in love with her as I had with her brother when he was born.

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