Chapter 13

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Once I had settled into the realization I followed Gowther out of the dark room and back to the party. I was a little more bashful as I clung to Gowther's arm.

Once we made it back to our previous table I found Ban and Meliodas sitting with the other sins sipping on beers with smiles. They must have gotten the deal they wanted. All eyes at the table quickly found us though.

"Where did you two wander off to?" King asks, leaning back in his chair curiously with a possessive undertone.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Gowther provoked as King's eyes narrowed. I slightly nudge Gowther with my elbow and glance up at him in annoyance. Realizing my annoyance he backs off and lets his eyes relax and dart away from King.

Everyone at the table's eyes widened slightly in shock as they watched Gowther quietly sit down. A small nervous smile sat on my lips.

"What?" I ask looking at all of them.

Ban sat forward slightly, "We've never seen Gowther give up a fight so easily." Ban says looking between us.

"What'd you do to him?" Diane asks looking between the two of us curiously. I nervously glance around the table trying to come up with an answer that doesn't include making out in a closet. While glancing at the faces of the sins my eyes are met with a smirk from Merlin.

"Can't you all tell? Our poor Gowther here is whipped" she teases. Gowther's eyes shoot to Merlin digging daggers into her.

"Shut up Merlin." Gowther says in a dangerous voice. I look over to Gowther quickly before my eyes go back to the group to see them all realizing.

"Oh my god you didn't!" Diane says looking at Gowther wide eyed before saying, "Oh my god you did!" She says her voice raising a little and a girly smile appearing on her feature staring at Gowther with surprise.

I glance at the other faces that sit around me, gauging their reactions. Merlin of course looks like the cat that ate the canary with a deep smirk painted on her face. Most of the other expressions that greet me tell me that this isn't much of a surprise. The last person my eyes land on is King. And he seems to be seething, I can see it in his eyes even though his face is dead calm. It reminds me of his face the night he claimed me and I feel a little fear about his reaction to learning Gowther's claim.

"Is everything okay?" I question King from my spot standing next to Gowther. But before King could answer, Ban leaned over next to him and nudged him with his shoulder.

"You knew we were going to have to share. Don't get all pissy." Ban says with a smile, before he sips a drink he had. I smile nervously before finding a seat at the table between Escanor and King and grab another flute of champagne so I can calm myself down a little bit.

I looked around the party and felt my heart beat a little faster as I noticed a few eyes on me from different spots around the room. But before I can become any more worried I feel Escanor place a reassuring warm palm against my thigh under the table. I turned to Escanor and gave an unsure smile trying to show him I was becoming a little overwhelmed with the party and he gave a knowing look back.

He turned to face the rest of our party and King and Gowther's eyes immediately went to him. "I think it's time to leave." He says and both give a nod as they stand up. Escanor stands and then helps me stand as well before taking my hand, the physical touch helping me feel a little better.

"We will meet you at the car." Ban said waving us off knowing that some of them had to say their goodbyes. Escanor gives a simple nod before letting go of my hand to instead wrap it around my waist guiding me out of the party as we followed King and Gowther. My heart sped up a little as I saw more than a few eyes on us as we walked out.

"Ignore them." I heard Escanor say as he continued guiding me with haste until we got out the door. I carefully follow Escanor's lead as he guides me towards the car and I notice how tight my dress is against my skin and how my feet ache in my heels, that my hair feels too tight in the up do I had it in. And as Escanor opens the door to the limo and I climb in I quickly seat myself on one of the benches and start to rip my hair down, pulling aggressively at all the bobby pins I'd used to keep it in place.

Everything felt like too much as my hands pulled at my hair, I could feel eyes on me as I continued my movements but I didn't care. I just needed everything off, and I quickly took my hands out of my hair to take out my earrings, quickly ripping the hoops out, and then starting on my shoes.

I hadn't noticed the shaking of my hands until I lifted my foot to unclasp the strap that held the heels to my ankle. I shakily grabbed at the string pulling until I felt the pressure of it leave my ankle and I kicked the shoe across the car quickly doing the same to the other.

It wasn't until I'd taken off everything I could except my dress and necklace that I heard Escanor speaking beside me, his attention on me.

"Are you alright." He asked placing a reassuring hand over my own shaking one. I took a deep breath before nodding.

"Better now." I say before looking over to Gowther and King, before noticing everyone else had joined us while I was busy trying to regulate myself. I felt insecure under all their eyes after doing what I'd done. I felt Escanor's hand squeeze mine, reminding me that not all the eyes on me were those of question or judging, if any of them were. I took a few more deep breaths wanting to apologize for dragging them from the party but before I could I felt someone move closer to me on my other side. I turned to see Ban stretched out smiling, "thank god! I didn't know if I could handle another minute at that party." He said unbuttoning his suit jacket and the two top buttons on his white dress shirt he'd worn.

"I know what you mean." *Diane said removing a few of the rings from her fingers and popping her knuckles. She shrugged her shoulders a little stretching them out. "I hate those Gala's." Gowther added looking between the sins like the party had left a bad taste in his mouth.

"Then why do you go?" I ask openly to the car before feeling a little nervous about asking.

"If we didn't go out and be civil with potential partners then we'd lose potential business." Ban explains from beside me placing his hand on my thigh. I nod in understanding as the others nod at Ban's statement.

"We also have to keep up reputation." Merlin smirked at me from across the car. From what I was starting to understand, it was a big reputation. Especially with how fast Gowther scared off that woman at the party.

I had nothing else to say so I just listened in on some conversations in the car on our ride as I laid my head on Ban's shoulder and held Escanor's hand, feeling the warmth from him made me calm down.

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