The forest

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Rewriting this shit cause it's terrible.
jade pov:
I heard running and screaming. Something bad must have happened. My mom ran out with my brother, I went with them cause family always stick together!
"Mama,where are we going?" Asked my brother. That excuse for a boy has obviously never been in a serious situation. I must admit,I haven't been either but At least!
"We're going somewhere safe." Replied mother.
"That's a lie. We're probably going to a shelter." I said. Mother said it's always good to be truthful! She's never truthful though.
Suddenly I heard eating noises? Ewww,if these invaders are gonna eat the bodies,they could've have done it quieter. I guess I should've been looking where I was going cause I fell. I tried to get up but I got trampled by people running. Eventually,the running stopped. I tried to get up but I felt something on my leg. I'm getting bitten by a black thingy! Why does it have no eyes and no hair? Get it off me! I hit that monster off my leg and ran. I lost track of where my mother and brother was so I guess I just gotta wing it. I ran into the forest and didn't look back. I eventually stopped running and sat on the grass. The grass seemed softer than the one in the village...I don't know where I was but it seemed peaceful. There was a stream and a waterfall so I decided to drink some water. Mother wouldn't let me drink any water at home cause we needed to 'ration' or something.
I instantly spit the water out,it tasted like dirt? What does dirt taste like anyway?
It's getting dark...i should probably get some sleep.
I fell asleep on the soft grass,dreaming of me being at home and actually being able to eat food instead of bugs.

Thank you for reading :D
Have a great day!

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