The rich and the useless family

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Jade PoV:
Sitting in a forest alone with the tiger that was lying on the floor breathless isn't really um..satisfying? I've tried to talk with it multiple times but it doesn't just lays there lifelessly. I'm actually starting to miss home,which is surprising. They treated me like a dog,heck even the neighbours dog gets better treatment. My mother always said that I was a disappointment to her and that my brother was the only thing that gives her hope. Whenever my brother did something bad,like the time he threw grandma ashes into the lake, he always blames me. My mother obviously believes him and says that I'm lying and for lying,I get no bread for a weak or something. Is she even my mother? I've seen kids with their mothers and they look the same,but me and mom look so different,she has blond curly hair while I'm stuck with white rough hair that is always getting tangled up. Mother said it's a pain to look at me cause I reminded her of dad,so she cut half of my hair off. I've never actually seen dad before,I assume he is either dead or dead. Enough of this family stuff now,I need to go find some food. My body wasn't made to eat bugs and berries at all. If there's a village nearby then I can probably get food with enough begging. Time to find a village! I traveled around the forest for awhile,I found some lizards,drank some stream water which I don't think is safe and I even found a little toad friend to go on adventures with me. His name is billy bob brown.
I found a cliff that was towering a small village. It looks beautiful,way better than whatever we had at home. But how do I get down there? Should I jump? No,that would kill me,and I vowed not to die before my mom or my brother.
"Sorry miss,but you are sitting on private property." Said a voice behind me,it was a girl. She looked like one of those dolls,all fake and plastic.
"Ah,I'm sorry." I said, we stood in silence for awhile until she spoke up again.
"I'm vanilla. You?" She said,she took out her hand for me to shake.
"Jade." I said,I shook her hand, "do you think you would be able to get me down to that village?"
"Sorry,I can't. Daddy uses this as a way to show off on his friends. He doesn't want any peasants touching it." She said.
"Your dad bought a whole entire village to show off?" I said in shock,how could someone buy a village just to show off? I would be selling houses and then overthrow the government and start a new country!
"Mhm,dad says that this village was worth 000.1% of his money. Kinda poor if you ask me." She said,casually.
"Your dad sounds so poor. What about you show me his house so I can see if he's poorer than me?" I said,I'm only doing this because I'll be able to have a roof under my head and I can steal from him. I can then sell the stuff that I stole,then I become rich enough to execute my mom and brother.
She took my hand and guided me to a house that looks big enough to be a hotel for a thousand people. It looked all gloomy and cheerless though,which is stupid because if I had this much money,I would be making sure that my house looks as happy as possible. Even if I'm not happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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