The new friend

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Jade pov:
I felt something patting my head,OMG ITS A CAT. I instantly got up and hugged the cat but it bit me. Why do I keep getting bitten.
Anyway,This little rascal must be punished! Well,my mother always punished me when I did something bad so I'm going to do the same thing to this cat. What though? I can't possibly hurt him. Imma just give him a terrible name that he has to survive with until he dies.
"Your new name is pencil maker 2000 orange toast British cow door penis death the third."
Right that moment,I realised something,why type of cat is has orange fur with black dots?  Wait a minute..a tiger! Omg,I'm with a baby tiger. I let out a little squeal..I love tigers,mother said that dad have been killed by one and that's what makes me love them even more!
I heard noise behind me,omg it's the mother tiger! I can't believe this is happening right no-
The mother tiger attacked me,their breath smells worst than my brother which I thought was impossible. I tried to get her off me but she was way stronger than me. Suddenly,I went into spectator mode. I'm not in control of my body anymore. Well,whoever is controlling my body is good at fighting cause they already killed the tiger.
After my body killed the tiger,it sat down and the grass which was now bloody. Right at that moment,I gained control of my body again. Ew,I don't like the way the blood smells.

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