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kind of dedicate this whole story to luke-ashton just because :)


"No dad, I don't want these!"

"Leon, come on. How can you not want these? They contain sugar, that's the only thing you eat" Luke sighed and tried to put the cereal box in the cart but his son pushed it away. Luke sighed again.

"No, I want the cereal grandma and grandpa gives me" the toddler huffed.

"But those are gross, they are only wheat and taste like dirt" Luke huffed back.

Some would say Luke was acting just as childish as his son, and that would probably be true. He was only 21 years old, it was hard leaving his youth behind. He was young when he got his son, only 17 years old, and he had no idea what to do.

Luke was a very confused boy some would say. He was kind of awkward in his way of living and once he got attention, his awkwardness took over. He was a funny guy though, he just had no idea he actually was. Everything that came out of his mouth were words he never really thought through, making people laugh.

He was a sweet boy though, grateful for all he had but raising a kid alone at that young of an age was a struggle, especially when his son was more confident than himself.

"Grandma says they will make me grow up and be as tall as you and as strong as uncle Jack"

"Well, grandma is lying," he said and put the sugary cereals in the cart, making the small brunette whine. Luke was happy though, he couldn't wait for a bowl of the sugary content.

"And I'm just as strong as uncle Jack" he added before pushing the cart over to the fruit section.

"No, uncle Jack has bigger arms than you" Leon said and reach out to poke Luke's bicep. Luke poked the small brunette back, making him giggle.

"That doesn't mean Jack is stronger than me"

"Grandpa said he is" Leon said and looked around in the supermarket as Luke rolled him through the aisles. Luke gasped, feeling hurt that his family thought of him so low. He knew it was true though, he would never have a chance against his brothers. He wasn't strong enough, but mostly, he was way too nice.

"What fruit do you want bud?" Luke asked and looked over the ocean of different colors and shapes of fruit.

"Nothing, I don't like fruit, it's too healthy" Leon huffed and squirmed around in his seat. Luke chuckled and reached forward to help the toddler out from his seat and put him down on the floor so he could walk on his own.

"You want cereal with the taste of cardboard but you don't want fruit?" Luke asked and looked down at the small brunette copy of him walking by his side. Leon didn't answer, he just played with the plastic signs all around the store, making one fall to the ground. Both boys ignored the sign, not really caring about it and kept walking.

"Help me pick some fruit" Luke said and walked over to get some bananas while Leon ran off the other way. The only healthy thing Luke made himself and his son eat was probably fruit, but that was only because fruit was actually sweet tasting. That, and Liz made him.

Luke picked up some apples before walking off to find his little copy anywhere. He didn't need to walk far as he saw the small boy talking to a small girl around his height with sandy-blonde locks. They were talking, making Luke smile small. He walked over and Leon looked up to smile big at his father.

"Hey bud, who's this?" Luke asked and stood beside Leon, placing a hand on his head, feeling his soft brunette hair.

"I don't know" the toddler said, shrugging, "She said I should pick that fruit" he said and pointed up at the peaches.

fatherhood // lashtonWhere stories live. Discover now