Intermezzi - Dedication

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Elsewhere amongst the residents of Copper-9, their stories continue, continuing to build their legacies for those to come after. To be inevitably challenged upon their encounter with our resident clean up crew, coming out for better or for worst, soon to be determined. But for now, their dedication to their duties remain, for these are their stories.


'Under harshest condition, they thrive for a new light'
'Rise and fight, against our might'
'Where your predecessors failed, you'll right their wrongs'
'Masquerade under their fellowship, and hasten along'
'Their inevitable blight'

Industrial Sector 3V-F
Asset 'S' Active on Field

As the cold snowstorm circled high up above, the solitude drone only continued to pace through the darkness. Indifferent to the prospects of being lost or decaying in the frigid winds, they simply continued. Tugging closer to themselves a scarf wrapped across their face, loosely blowing back in the violent winds.

They simply did so, continuing on without a path beneath them or guide to their side, relying on simple intuition in their pursuit. What may be a treacherous idea to some, suicidal even, though this drone held no worries. This path they've travelled many times before, as familiar as their own body. Though paced upon multiple times, this would be the night that action was finally taken. The night they put an end to old grudges.

They halt, the silhouette of a derelict concrete ruin coming into sight, a great structure of the past now crumbled. Nothing lasts forever, powers eventually fades, as they intended to prove. They remain still in their step, glancing towards the ruins and awaiting something. Awaiting an occurrence they'd grown familiar with.

Like clockwork, her memory proves correctly. Hailing from within the structure, another drone approaches. Dressing itself in a snow white cloak, and an emblem etched into their cloak, what other details they did not care for. Eyeing down the freely wandering drone, the drone in white approached, placing upon its visor an amiable façade and voice. Stepping in front of the drone.

"And who may you be, who wonders aimlessly through the thick?" The drone simply asks, nothing more.

"Ah, no one much. Just . . . reminiscing," the drone replies with ease.

The scarfed drone replied with a single line, a single line of a script they'd memorized and orchestrated for this exact situation. Who this mysterious drone in whit was, they knew. For what reason it approached, they knew. And what it seeks, they too knew. And what it desires, they grant, masquerading as the puppet.

"Reminiscing?" The drone tilts its head, a slight smile coming onto its visor, "Holding onto to some nostalgic memories of the old days?"

"You could say so," the scarfed drones, "I know. I know. Before you say anything. Yes, it's a foolish thing."

"No, no! Not at all," the drone quickly shakes its head, "I've been here before. Been there, felt like a lost lamb, in need of guiding. Though, let me reassure you. One day, I did find that guidance, someone to follow."

"Hm? Really?" The scarfed drone tilts their head, feigning curiosity in their eyes.

"Perhaps . . . I can help you. I can lead you to something I once sought," the opportunistic drone continues, "A fellowship, individuals once like you. Those who can relate, help you find your way once more."

A look of 'wonder' came upon the scarfed drone's visor, "Really now? Do continue!"

"If you'd like to follow me, we're not too far away," the drone in white takes a step back, gauging to see whether their puppet may follow.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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