Entry 21

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Dear Diary,

We have received a new letter from Lillith!

My Dear Familiars,

Abo has sent word of your travels. I am so incredibly proud of you both, and I hope you are safe and gathering plenty of supplies. I only wish I could be there to help you both and keep you safe, even if Abo made it clear you were handling yourselves.

In Abo's letter, he gave us his word that he would do everything in his ability to help you guys, Felice, he has grown quite fond of you both and feels that your cause is worth supporting. He is sure to be a great asset to your journey. I'm unsure of how much you know, but that dragon is extraordinarily powerful; he is the ruler of the Sloth Swamps.

Monet is still asleep, but we are still being well cared for. I am still, every day, astounded by this place. Everyone is very excited about your arrival; they have been told many stories about you. They are not only very eager to help, but they think you will enjoy their home as much as I have.

Please stay safe and continue to make us proud. 

You both are stronger than you know.


Lillith's words of encouragement have given us even more determination. Today, we have decided to try to map out our surroundings. Munin has spent most of today in the sky, observing his surroundings and noting what the surrounding areas look like.

From what we've gathered, we are deep in the middle of this forest; even with Munin being in the sky, we are unable to see anything but trees. Munin swears that he sees tall brick buildings in the far distance, but I doubt this, it just doesn't make sense. I can't imagine why we would have gone through a swamp and a forest just to run into a city, again, it just doesn't make sense. 

After hours of flying, Munin is understandably exhausted. We've decided to stay in the same camp for another night before we continue on. He wanted to move at first, but I couldn't let him keep going in his current state. We cannot get through this if we aren't at our best.

Tomorrow, we got further into the forest. Our books have told us that the way out and path to the next domain are marked by a large stone wall with a massive door. We believe we have a direction to follow, but not much else.

Even with little to go on, we feel hopeful. We have to.


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