Chapter 2: New Beginnings

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Amethysts days at the Prescott estate blurred into a luxurious haze. The sprawling mansion, adorned with crystal chandeliers and velvet drapes, felt both opulent and suffocating. Her aunt, Angela Prescott, moved with grace, her eyes holding secrets Amethyst longed to unravel.

Staring into the mirror at her reflection, Amethyst finds herself captive by the finest details on her face. Her heterochromia iridium eyes, the left being a light shade of purple she inherited from her mother and her right an emerald, green, smooth dark black hair falling down her back covering the scar that marks its place upon her neck, the same scar that haunts her darkest nightmares.

Eastern Wood High School awaited, a place where curious stares followed her down the hallways. She became the girl with the crescent-shaped scar, the sole survivor of a car accident that claimed her parents lives. The whispers echoed: Amethyst Prescott, the girl who walked away.

Sighing lifting her hoodie hoping to hide from the curious stares as she approached her first class of the day. History had always been Amethyst favorite subject but with everything that had happened she had lost interest in her old life and just wanted to start fresh.

Class, this is Amethyst Prescott. She just moved here from California. Amethyst you can take the seat in the back between Lilac and Faye.

Amethyst makes her way towards her seat between Lilac and Faye while everyone stared and started whispering amongst each other, dropping her backpack making a loud thud as it dropped it to the ground. Without looking up once she focused on her book trying to drown everyone out.

Hey, Im Lilac and this is my sister Faye Lilac whispered as she leaned across her desk.

Amethyst could feel Lilac every breath on her skin as she spoke. Mr. Smiths voice faded more and more into the background; his voice drowned out by the eyes of the students as all their attention is focused on her. Slumping against her desk to support her weight. Resting her cheeks on palm of her hands, eyes set on the clock ignoring their glances and judgements directed her way.

In the crowded cafeteria, she found solace in anonymity. The students chattered about mundane things, homework, weekend plans, teenage dramas. But one figure stood out, a boy with raven-black hair and piercing blue eyes. His name remained elusive, yet his gaze held compassion. When he passed her, their fingers brushed, a fleeting connection that sent shivers down her spine.

Lost in a trance as she stared numbly at the empty space, she heard Lilac shout out Hey Ammy, sit over here.

Making her way towards her, she stopped in her track, noticing the boy with piercing blue eyes. Everything around her disappeared, leaving just the two of them. Lost in time staring Longley into each other's eyes.

Lilac voice snapped her back into reality,

"Hey Ammy, this is our brother Leroy Williams" they giggled as if she was caught doing something she shouldn't have been doing.

'Brother" she whispered to herself, looking between them she admired how beautiful inhuman they looked.

Despite the butterflies in her stomach her voice sounded shrill and anxious even to her own ears hey she forced out.

Lilac cleared her throat Where in California did you stay? she said, filling the uncomfortable silence with words.

Umm Los Angelas she said, feeling where this conversation was heading.

Howd you end up here? They lend towards her as she stared at her chicken roll sandwich, biting her nails in my nervous habit.

She didn't like talking about her previous life, seeing every memory and detail replay repeatedly, or having to answer questions that she didnt know the answer to. How was she the only survivor and her mother disappearance.

Its a long story she manages to say feeling Leroy's warm and inviting gaze making her feel nervous as her palms start to sweat.

Staring into everyone's eyes she could see pity, sadness and curiosity swirling in them, but they seemed to take the hint and dropped the conversation. Taking one last glance at Lilac, her eyes held this conversation isn't over look whilst carrying on chatting with the others.

Closing her eyes, her fingers creeping inside her hoodie, switching the song to something softer, smoother. All that loud noise is no longer necessary, staring out the windows finding peace in seeing the forest that surrounds the school, lost in trance with nature, she could feel a pull.

The pull was so strong that she longed to be deep in the woods, she could never explain how at peace she was when she was surrounded by the trees, leaves falling all around her, a light breeze blowing through her hair. The feeling of being free and the feeling of home, her haven. Sighing as the bell rang indicating lunch was over.

Saying her byes to everyone as they headed to their next class, standing there, contemplating on ditching the rest of the day screw this she meandered down the dank hallway towards the exit, dragging her duffle bag in her wake, the walls here the color of a dusty cream and the whole place was strangely quiet.

she came to a stop in front of the only doors that lead to her freedom, taking deep breaths, opening the doors to the outside world. Immediately, annoyingly there was a little part of her brain that started calculating the odds that the teachers could be watching.

She had always been drawn to abandoned places.

Pushing her thoughts to the back of her mind, using the little courage she could muster, making her way towards the eerie forest.

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