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elise's pov!

I was sitting in my room, working on my speech for my coronation when my little sister and her best friend ran in.

Angela was the sweetest human that has ever graced this earth.  Her family worked as maids here at the castle, and her and Elodie were always running around.

"You're going to get married!" Angela jumped on my bed backwards, in some love sick trance.

"Dad wants you to do a selection! We heard him and mom talking about it." My sister said as if it was absolutely disastrous.

I knew I would have to do a selection someday I just didn't realize how soon someday was.

"Already? Hopefully I meet someone nice?" I knew this was a duty, something I had to do. But I really hoped it wasn't a bust. Maybe I would fall in love.

"It's going to be awful! All those strangers?! All those cameras?" Elodie groaned. You'd think she was the one who had to be in the selection.

"All those cameras!" Angela said as if all she wanted was a small moment in the spotlight. Eventually my dad came knocking at my door.

The two girls, went running down the hall, and I followed my dad to his office, where my mom was already standing.

"Sit, Elise." I sat. He stayed standing on the other side of his desk. I knew what was coming, but he didn't know that.

"With your coronation so soon around the corner, it's important that we find you a suitable husband to rule along side you. We will hold a selection."

I simply nodded, I mean what more was there to do, I couldn't argue with my dad. He was the king, and he wasn't great.

"We'll announce it, and then pull names, from different locations, maybe I'll even throw a prince in there. But we'll make the whole thing look random." He continued, and I nodded one more.

After that was over, I was told to be in the dining room promptly at 5:30 for dinner. So I ventured out and headed back up to my room but that's when I bumped right into Augustus Declan.

His parents were super close with mine and him and his sister lived at the castle. He was sixteen, and super sweet. I was always closer with his sister though.

"August, I'm so sorry!" I quickly helped him pick up the papers he had dropped.

"It's all good Eli" I smiled. He was really sweet, his face was all red and he was obviously flustered. I gave him a small wave and ran the rest of the way to my room.

I started to brush my hair, and get ready for dinner. I really couldn't believe this was happening, the selected would be chosen and I would have to pick a husband.

My days wouldn't simply consist of doing my duties and dancing around the kitchens with Anthea. They would involve judging and eliminating and picking.

This was going to be along couple of months.

a/n: hey!!! so here's a short little prolouge that includes some of the folks who live in the castle. the first chapter will involve everyone being chosen!! and more of castle life. so love you all hope you enjoyed. <3333

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