chapter one

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Today was the day, the day the ten would be chosen, publically. My dad had selected them days earlier but the drawing would be today.

I was scared. Scared for them to get here, and terrified what everyone would think. Would people know it was rigged? Would the selected be excited?

Me and my family walked down the hall towards the room where all the reports were held. An interview type room. With live audiences. We all sat upon our chairs. It was proper for me to read the names.

So I walked up to the bowl, where only I knew there was ten names. The bowl wasn't clear no one could see inside. Everyone assumed there were hundreds of names. I knew there was only ten. And it freaked me out.

I reached my hand in. The first name. "William Lovett" A picture of him accompanied by his caste and age flashed onto the screen. And then a video of him two seconds ago finding out. He seems happy, but shy.

The second name. "OLIVER MCNALLY" He was cute for sure. And my dad would approve of the caste. I wasn't sure though. He seemed happy to be going, but honestly she wasn't sure how he felt.. his reaction was sort of 'i knew i would get picked.'

Third name. "THEODORE BERKSHIRE". Now you could tell he knew he was all that from his picture. He was wealthy and confident and in charge. Someone my dad would like but i wasn't sure about herself. But his reaction was genuine he was excited. Though when he hugged his sister there was something I couldn't quite put my finger on.

Fourth name. "DARREN MAYFIELD" He seemed fine from his caste and picture. Though I couldn't really read him. I was good at reading people, it's something I had learned to do from a young age. It flashed to a video, and he didn't seem incredibly excited. I mean he seemed glad, but something was off.

The fifth name, half way. Only five more left. "SEBASTIAN PATEL" He was cute, seemed mature, he was obviously a musician of some sort. His family seemed alright. They smiled and hugged. But that was about all.

I was almost done. I could feel my hand shake, I wanted to get off this stage. Thea definitely knew that as she gave me a thumbs up from off the stage. So I took a deep breath and continued.

Sixth name. "JAMIE AMBROSE" I knew who that was. He was a prince. Ultimately who my dad wanted me to end up with. Jamie was fine I guess. His picture shined up on the big screen for everyone to see. Then, his family poised as ever claps and smiles. Though I knew Jamie was doing it for the cameras.

The seventh name. "ALEXANDER LOCKE" He seemed fun and cute. He would definitely make the days not seem as long. The video of him popped up smiling and laughing when they called his name, he turned towards the phone his mom must have been holding and gave it a thumbs up.

Eighth. "ADRIEN FORD" He definitely danced, I wasn't sure what he was like. He was fine. But his reaction was weird. He didn't give me the best vibe. But I just smiled, and moved to the next name.

Ninth. I could feel the end of this dreadful segment. I didn't know how long I could put this smile on. "EDGAR HARRIS" He seemed nice. I wasn't sure how my dad would truly feel about him. His family seemed excited for him though.

The last name. I could breathe easy now. Until, "AUGUSTUS DECLAN" I saw his face turn bright red, and the shocked expression on my face. I don't think it could beat the one I just showed on live television.

I quickly smiled and said "Thank you everyone for watching! Let the selection begin!" Before the cameras turned off and I ran out of the room and down the hall. I needed to breathe.

Why was August in this? I mean he was great. But I couldn't fake it for August. I mean I could put a smile and pretend with any of these other guys. I could kick them out, and break their hearts. And I wouldn't suffer the consequences.

But Gus was my best friend's brother. My dad's close friends son. My friend. This was insane. The selection was insane.

I was about to be in a house, with ten strangers trying to find my future husband. This was too much to handle. And I felt myself slipping. I walked to the closest balcony breathing heavy. Looking up at the stars, trying to catch my breath.

Anthea joined me from behind, wrapping me in a hug. "I know. This is crazy. And none of us thought auggie would get picked"

"This is all so insane. I don't know how I'm supposed to do this."

"You'll get through it Ellie. You always do."

I smiled and continued hugging her before we started back to my room. "I know. Thanks thea."

"Anytime Ellie."

I was scared of course I was. But I had my bestfriend, and my sister to guide me through this. I could do it, I think.

Everyone would be arriving as the week goes on. The staff would arrive first, the photographer and the interviewer. As well as we would assign a few guards new schedules to watch over the guys.

Then the boys would arrive and get ready to meet me. Then the selection would truly begin . I was nervous excited and sick to my stomach all at the same time.

Let's do this thing.

A/N: yayyyy foolish one chapter. I'm so excited for the boys to get here and also just extremely excited for this fic in general. Also idk who she's ending up with so don't ask me. This is an adventure. SOOOO LOVE YOU ALL. THANKS FOR 200!!!

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