chapter two

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I guess I wasn't really excited about the selection. It was just something I had to do, something my parents wanted from me. I didn't really know how to feel about all the guys.

I was seated in the dining room with Grayson and Micah. They were two guards around my age, they were usually assigned to be around me but with the selected coming my dad had moved them.

"So you guys are just going to hangout in the Men's Room and around the selected most of the time throughout the day. But we'll have someone else on for night shifts."

"Sounds good Ellie" Micah smiled before writing some details down on his schedule. Grayson nodded quickly.

"When are the selected arriving?" Grayson inquired. I glanced up at the time, to my knowledge they were arriving at 2 but I wouldn't meet them until around 5 and then we would all go to dinner.

"Around 2, then they'll get ready and take pictures and interviews and such before I meet them." They both nodded.

"Oh we gotta go, your dad wants to debrief with us? over something" Grayson added before standing up.

"Of course, he does. See you guys later" I walked down the hall, looking for Anthea, or really anyone I could find. The boys would be arriving soon and I was a little shaken up about it.

I spotted Anthea and Augustus talking at the end of call before he was to be in the entry room to get ready.

"Annie, I can't do this. I'm not ready for something like this"

"Yes you can, Auggie. You'll do great, just be yourself" The two siblings hugged, they fought from time to time but they were really close. Then August spotted me, going red in the face.

"Oh hey Eli." He smiled.

"Hey Ellie!" Anthea yelled. "You ready? I want to braid your hair before you meet with the boys"

"Yes let's go. And Gus. You'll do great. It's just me you have to impress, and you talk to me all the time" I laughed a little before I ran off with Thea.

Once we entered my room we were both laughing talking about all the boys and which ones would last.

"You know Auggie, he's really worried about this whole thing"

"I know, but he shouldn't be. Tell him that."

"You tell him!" Thea laughed giving me a look before starting to braid my hair.

"I'm so scared! What if they hate me?"

"They wouldn't have applied if they hated you" She assured.

After she finished braiding my hair, I put some makeup on. Then I was pacing. I was so nervous. I didn't want to meet the boys. I didn't want to judge them. Thea paused me giving me a hug.

"Ellie. El. Ellie. It's going to be okay. You're going to do great. Just call for me anytime you need. And lean on my brother. You know him." I smiled. I could do this.


All ten of the selected other than the one who seems to live in the castle all were on the same plane. I didn't want to be here, my dad had signed me up I guess or just told the king I wanted to be involved and her wrote me down.

I had been to enough royal events to understand this was rigged. I hated the idea of being in the selection. I guess I didn't hate Elise. I mean she was fine. But she was the type of girl my dad liked.

I was sat next to Theodore Berkshire. I didn't really know anything about him.

"Hey I'm Theo." The boy flashed me a smile obvious expecting a response.

"Oh uh Jamie."

After the rough introduction, he continued to talk to me and some of the other guys. He actually seemed nice, a little bit crazy though. The plane ride was long and boring. Once we arrived we were rushed into the castle to get ready.

For the most part I was out together, my parents made sure of that before I left. If the selection didn't exist me and Elise likely would have married eachother. And my parents wanted that.

Once they were done cutting my hair, and trimming my eyebrows, I was pushed over to a rack with plenty of suits. I grabbed a blue colored one. All the boys seemed to picking their suits. August who wasn't on the plane was trying to tie his purple tie.

"Need some help?" I asked. I wasn't sure why but he just really wasn't intimidating.

"Please." He responded. I helped him with his tie, while some girl took pictures of us, then we were all rushed from the stations to get our pictures taken.

"I'm Isabelle, I'm going to take a few photos of you guys. And then Amelie is going to ask you a few questions!" The girl seemed nice enough. She took a few groups and duos and then solo shots.

This wasn't all that much of an adjustment for me but for others it definitely was. Adrian and Edgar were both struggling with the pictures.

The rest of the crew seemed fine. Though Seb seemed ready to be done with this. He wanted to move onto the next thing.

"So, Jamie what do you think of the princess?" Amelie asked me shoving a mic in my face. She seemed sweet, a little overbearing though.

"I really respect her, I think she does a really great job at everything she does." I flashed the camera a quick smile before going to stand by the other boys who had finished and two guards.

One of the guards, seemed more cheerful and happy to meet us, while the other seemed on high alert, and wishes we were gone.

Eventually we got escorted to our wing. The entire hall was lined with rooms that had signs with our names on it and then a group room at the end of the hall.

When I entered my room, it was huge. Probably the same size as my room back home, plus there was plenty of clothing options, and things to busy myself with.

As much as I didn't want to be here, I didn't think this would be an awful experience. I showered and changed, and then it was about time to meet up with Elise.

Let the selection commence.

a/n: guys idk what's happening in this chapter ngl. the next chapter is gonna be a million times better cause this was just very filler. also i love jamie so no jamie hate.

if i took creative liberties on your characters and you hate it lmk ill fix it.

dedicated to colieluvs cause i don't think this would have gotten finished without her.

love you all and go apply to mine and rays (tayl4rswift colab -ainsleyxray

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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