Chapter 6

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What is this dude rich or something? First of all his house was like 20 minutes away from town kind of in the middle of a forest, it's a two-story house, with two garages that held a white Ferrari and a Suzuki motorcycle, not including the car we all drove in which was a Kia carnival with a black exterior and light orange interior; The interior of the house was industrial mixed with a mid-century theme. Oh, and come to find out there is a gym and in the freakin basement.

"Okay, so how is this sleeping situation going to work?"

Oh right I forgot all about that, thank you seungmin for bringing that up

"I'm assuming Jeongin is in Hyunjins room, Felix in Changbin's, please Changbin keep it down your right next to my room, and Jisung's with me-"

"Oh no I'm not"

I look at Minho to see him smirking

"Don't worry doll I'll make a pillow barrier if it makes you feel better. Seungmin you can take the couch, it converts into a comfortable bed so you still get good rest. Alright is everyone happy with their sleeping arrangements?"


Felix and Jeongin say while Changbin and Hyunjin nod their head in agreement. I walk over to Minho

"Lee, you know I don't want to sleep in the same room as you. Why are you doing this?"

"Your so cute when you're angry"

Don't let him win, keep the composer

"Minho not now, answer me"

He turns so that he's standing in front of me and leans down to my ear

"Love, don't you think you're making this a big deal? Trust me sweetheart I wont pull anything unless you want me to"

His lips brush my neck before he pulls away

"Okay, guys food is in the kitchen help yourselves, I'm going to bed. Chan, Please make sure they don't make a mess"

I snap out of my trance to see the slightly well-built guy with nice dimples, guessing that's Chan nod his head.

"I'm going to bed too"


"I'm gonna hit the hay as well"

The next thing I knew everyone left to sleep with their roommate or on the couch. I sigh and make my way up the stairs where I see six doors three on the right three on the left. Now which room is Lee Minho's? I walk towards the first door but stop

"Jeongin stop I'm trying to focus"

So that's Hyunji's room

I walk to the one on my right and hear nothing, I open the door and see an art studio. Nope, not it. I walk to the second door on my left and hear nothing again, so I open the door and see an office. Not it either. I make my way to the second door on my right and hear Felix laughing

"Changbin that tickled"

Ew. Wait didn't Minho say-

"That was fun to watch"

I whip my head around to see Minho standing in the door frame of the last room

"How long had you been standing there"

"Long enough to get entertainment, then I decided I should say something"

Ugh he's so annoying

"I was about to figure it out anyway"

"Yeah sure you were"

He turns and walks into his room. I follow him in protest

"I was"

"Mhm, sure you were sweetheart"

Once I get in his room it is pitch black


I move my hand along the room to try and find the light or a lamp when my hand brushes over clothing

"Wrong kind of light switch honey"

I pull my hand away when a light turns on and I see minho right in front of me

"Oh my god minho you disgusting"

He puts his hand on his heart as if offended

"How dare you, after you violated me"

"It wouldn't have happened if you weren't playing god dang hide and seek in the dark"

"Who said I was playing hide and seek"

"You- actually nevermind, can we go to bed"

"Wow we're a we? But sweetheart, I haven't even asked you out yet"

"Lee Minho get the dang bed ready so I can go to bed and you can accompany me"

"As you wish lord Jisung"

I'm this close to kicking him out of his room. He walks over to his WALK-IN CLOSET. Oh my gosh, I haven't even looked at his room that properly; His room is BIG, there's the walk-in closet, I think I see a full bath, he has a TV, shelves covered with Jujutsu Kaisen figures, spy family figures, and demon slayer figures.

"Lord Jisung your mattress awaits you"

I tried to ignore his act


"Yes, my lord?"

"Cut the act"


He laid in the bed and patted the spot over the pillows. I walked to the bed and lay down.



"Um, I need to take a shower and change out of these clothes"

Minho sits up and looks at me

"Ok give me one minute"

He walks into his closet and comes back with some shorts light blue hoodie and boxers.

"You can take a shower in the one in here"

He hands me the clothes and I walk into his bathroom. Dang, his bathroom is big too. There was a huge tub, a glass shower, and two sinks. I go get in the shower and wash my hair then my body. Once I'm done I change into Minho's clothes trying to ignore that the shirts are five seconds away from being the same length as the boxers. Oh my gosh, I'm wearing his boxers! I run my fingers threw my hair and leave the bathroom trying to look as calm as possible. But to make that task even harder I find Minho in his boxers!

"Guess those shorts shrank"

"Minho put some clothes on"

"Why? This is my room, plus I never wear shorts to sleep. Why start now?"

"Because you are sharing the room with someone"

"How bout no. Now, lay down"

I huff and walk over to the bed to lay down



"Stop staring at me like that"

I roll over and see Minho looking at me like a full-course meal.

"Stop advertising"

"I'm not advertising, you gave me these clothes probably knowing darn well how they'd fit"

He gasp

"Again I let you into my home, gave you warm water, and the clothes on your back. This, this is how you treat me"

"Oh my gosh Minho stop being so dramatic"

I couldn't help but laugh. He's so cute and annoying at the same time

"Okay, but for real go to bed. If my memory does me right Hyunjin said we might have to drive yall to school tomorrow"

I nod my head and roll over to sleep; For a minute I almost forgot that when I go home I'm going to stay with Uncle Jonny.

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