Chapter Three ~ Cold

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McKayla's POV

    I fell asleep after Hope left my room. I woke up feeling cold, I walked out of my room and into the living room. I see Hope talking to Hayley and the rest of the family.

   "Mom?" I spoke up, talking to Hayley, she was holding Hope on the couch. That was the first time I ever called her that. Everyone looked up at me. Kol stood from his chair on the other side of the room. " I think something's wrong." I muttered. "I had a dream about someone hurting these kids."

   Kol walked over to me and stood next to me. Hayley's eyes kept going from me to Hope, growing with even more concern. "I think he hurt me too." I continued, I was super pale. "I feel dizzy. And my head really hurts."

  Kol, Hayley, and Klaus look at each other, then blood drips from my nose. That's when I passed out.

Third Person's Pov

Kol picked McKayla up as she passed out and he laid her down on an opposite couch that Hayley and Hope are on. "Hope's never been sick. And I don't know about McKayla." Hayley told Kol, Klaus, Elijah, and Freya.

"This is a magical affliction." Freya said. "It feels... I don't know, it's hard to explain. Almost cold." Hayley tensed up, finding a piece of paper in her pocket. "It's from Vincent Griffith. He knows what's wrong with Hope and McKayla, he can cure them. But we need to go to New Orleans."


McKayla's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Hayley looking down on me with concern. "Hayley?" I sat up and saw the guy who cast my cloaking circle thingy. "That's it." The man stood. "Your little girls are purified."

"Thank you." Hayley said as she helped me and Hope up. "Now look, the only gratitude I need any of you is seeing you leave this city." The man stated.

"Go see your daddy." Hayley told Hope.

"Come with me." Hope said, grabbing my hand. I looked at her confused, then she pulled me off the couch. I jumped in shock when birds started falling from the sky. As a defense mechanism I pulled Hope close to me, facing her away from the falling birds and toward me. Hayley ran to us.

"What is this?" Klaus asked.

"I don't know." The man told him.

"Mom?" Hope asked. "Can you hear that?" Hope continued. "It's... whispers. Saying a name. Over and over. Kre Nah Han... Kre Nah Han..." That's when I could hear whispers. Saying that. I nodded in agreement with Hope's statement.

"What does it mean?" I asked, with my eyes widened.

Hayley didn't know, so she looked at the man. "Vincent, what... what is that?"

"It's a nearly forgotten dialect. It's Creole. It means The Hollow. The Hollow is coming." The man, Vincent, had wide eyes.


I felt so sick. Hope and I are in separate rooms, wrapped in blankets. Hayley left to find out what's going on. Kol walked in and sat on the side of the bed. "How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm still so cold." I replied. "Are the birds gone?" I asked.

"Yeah. They're gone, darling." He said. "And when you and Hope are better, which will be soon, we are going to share the biggest plate of beignets you've ever seen. And you can tell me or Hayley where in this big wide world you'd like us to take you next."

I smiled. "I would like to see... Yellowstone National Park and Grand Teton National Park." I said, my smile faded.

"Now, tell me why would you want to visit a national park instead of a... beach?" Kol asked. I smiled, and looked down at the bed. "When I was about ten, the foster family I was living with at the time promised to take me to both, but when we were heading there, we stopped to have lunch and I ran into the road after my baby foster brother, stopped him from being hit, and got hit by a car."

"Well I promise you'll get to see at least one." Kol smiled. Then my face went from happy to sick.

"Kol." I said. "I don't feel very good." He brushed my hair back from my forehead. "That man, Vincent... Hayley said he was a witch. That he came to make me and Hope feel better." I stated.

I looked up at Kol. "But I feel worse."

"I know. I know. But don't worry. Because as we speak, Hayley, and Elijah are working with Vincent to fix you and Hope up. So, you just stay calm and they'll make everything all right." Kol explained.

"Do you know what it is?" I asked. "The Hollow?"

"No, darling... I don't."

"It wants those other kids. I can feel them." I said.

"I think it wants me and Hope too." I told Kol.

"I am not gonna let anything take you. I promise you that. I'm going to keep you safe, always and forever." Not long after I fell asleep.


I gasped awake. "Kol?"

"I saw them. The other kids. They're so scared." I said.

"Promise me." I began. "If you ever see the blue lights. Don't look at them." I laid my head against the pillow as I went back to sleep.


I sat up in my bed. I felt better. Freya hurried towards me.

"McKayla." She hugged me. And hugged her back.

"I'm not cold anymore." I told her.


It was nighttime when I woke up again. I smiled when I saw a plate of beignets on the nightstand. I got out of bed, and grinned to myself. I took one of the beignets for myself. I walked out of the room and up the stairs. The lights flickered. My brows furrowed. I slowly continued upstairs, and the stairs creaked under me. More lights flickered as I got to the top. I walked to the balcony, I smiled when I saw Kol ahead. He turned to me and his eyes went unnatural blue. My mouth fell open. I screamed.

I opened my eyes. It was a dream.

"No, no, no." I said.

"It's here." I stated in horror. "The Hollow..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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