Boothill x femReader

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You work for the IPC, handling any secretive and dirty work that needs to be cleaned. Little do they know, your boyfriend just so happens to be someone who's seeking revenge against them.


God, if there even is one, why does this place need to be so dreadful.

The stench of blood clouding my thought processes, the aftermath , is what I usually call it.

The IPC has just obtained the sickly satisfaction of "collecting debt" from yet another innocent family. Their expressionless faces lying in the now red stained snow.

A chill ran down my spine trying to encapture the sight.

"Y/n, make sure this is all cleaned accordingly." My commander ordered, and I obliged.

I lift the heavy body of a man, perhaps in his late fifties. A father. Not too far was yet another, a woman. Perhaps a mother.

Behind me I hear sniffling.

"Mama...papa..." A young child is heard.

"We'll have to take this young one back to base. The higher ups will find something to do with it." My commander spat, no ounce of remorse draining his voice.

It? That's a fucking human being.

I wanted to say, but despite my disgust, I held my tongue. Clenching my jaw, I carefully disposed of the bodies and cleaned any evidence of IPC involvement.

Looking back at the young girl, I encaptured her teary eyes.

I will avenge you.


I held a cigarette between my lips, it wasn't lit yet, as I was too busy typing away on a computer within an IPC building. Earlier, I had photographed evidence of how the IPC truly handles business, and planned to send it to Boothill.

However, due to painfully slow internet, I was stuck in a place I wasn't supposed to be. It was hard enough to sneak into an office as big as this, and I wasn't about to be found out as an intruder so soon.

Clicking through some shady documents, I grabbed an empty USB and planned to upload the information there instead.



Within a moment, I felt hard metal pressed behind my head. My breath hitched as i realized it was a gun.

"You traitor! What are you doing on a confidential IPC computer?!" The man behind me yelled.

Raising my hands without turning around, I sighed.


"Come on, I was only just doing what the commander ordered." I lied between my teeth.

"Liar!" I felt the gun being pressed harder.

Within a split second, the IPC guard had me bent over the table in front of me, hands being cuffed roughly. My face was pressed harshly against the computer keys, my cigarette falling from my lips at some point. I could feel his breath near my ear. Evidence of what he ate being clear enough to discern that we were too fucking close.

Damn what a waste of a cigarette.

"Tell me what you were doing now, or suffer the consequences!" He demanded, his gun now being pressed on my temple.

It was such an uncomfortable sight, and I was practically shitting my pants.

How the hell was I supposed to get out of this shit?

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