Jinwoo x femReader

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You come back from your late night job and see your roommate, Jinwoo, sprawled out on the couch. In an act of kindness, you attempt to make the couch a bit more comfortable, but things end up turning out differently....?


"Huuuu" I sighed, pulling the front door keys from my jacket pocket and aligning the metal with the lock.

I'm so fucking tired. I thought to myself, feeling relief wash over my entire body as the door opens and I finally step inside. Closing the door behind me and locking it tightly, I take off my shoes and place them neatly next to another pair which were much larger than mine.

Jinwoo must be home. It was pretty rare your roommate would come home at times you could actually see the man. He was an S rank hunter, it wasn't an easy gig. You wondered how he could even manage fighting those weird looking creatures. Then again, he was the strongest so...

Settling in, I found a pre-made sandwhich for me on the kitchen counter with a note, For when you get home :)

Aw he left this for me..?

My heart fluttered as I took the sandwhich, unwrapping it and taking a bite. He knew exactly what I liked, and it was pretty cute. No wonder so many women fawn for him.

I sigh heavily at that last thought. If only he wasnt a hunter...our situation would be very different...It wasn't exactly a secret between him and I that we definitely had something going on.

We've fucked once, big deal. A voice of reason spat in my head. Everyone these days hooks up with anyone hot and forgets about it.

I guess...

But he's different, we're his first! Nobody forgets their first. A voice of delusion fought.

Now crouching on the floor, I hid my face in my hands, you're crazy y/n, calm down...

Suddenly, I heard movement coming from the living room. My ears perked up and I slowly made my way to the area. The couch?

Low and behold, an exasperated looking Jinwoo sitting on the couch with his head tilted back. He was man spreading, his arms spread wide on the top of the couch. His breathing was slow, showing he was currently sleeping.

I stood there, admiring the sight. He looked so disheveled and...it was a pretty rare sight to see nowadays. Looking around, I eye a blanket just a few feet away. It was pretty chilly tonight...

Gathering the blanket, I drape it over the man, the fabric outlining his figure, "There..." I whispered, before noticing a corner of the blanket near Jinwoos shoulder wasn't properly covering him. I reached for it, preparing to tuck him in properly.

"What are you doing?" Jinwoo stated, quickly grasping my wrist and looking deeply into my eyes. I guess I didn't notice when he woke up...

"Jesus Jinwoo don't just fucking wake up like you've been resurrected from the dead." My voice wavers from the sudden shock. "I was just covering you since it's pretty cold tonight. Any complaints?"

"You wish to make me feel warm?" He questioned, his raspy voice from waking up making me feel electricity throughout my body.

Nodding, I don't break eye contact, "Y-yeah. Aren't I so nice?" I attempt to free myself from the sudden intense atmosphere. Any more of this and I might do something...

But I didn't have time for my thoughts to completely process as I was pulled onto Jinwoos lap. The blanket was the only thing separating our bodies, well of course, also considering the clothes but, still.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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