Gallagher x mReader

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You decided to pick up a job at the Dreamjolt Hostelry to make a few bucks. While there, you're introduced to your handsome co-worker, Gallagher, and share a little more than a few drinks.

Disclaimer! Gallagher is gonna be bottoming in this one. Sorry not sorry 🙏


I'm so tired of being broke. It's gotten to the point where I'm living off of ten bucks to last me through the week.

I live with my roommate, who's rarely even with me most of the time, and have to rely on their unstable income for my survival. It's tiring, tired of it.

Which is why I've finally gotten lucky enough to snag a job. I'm supposed to be working as a bartender at a place called, Dreamjolt Hostelry.

Never seen this place before, never even drank at a bar before. All I know is that it's a pretty undercover place and nobody really goes there. The ad I found online was really sketchy, but I mean, the interview process wasn't too bad.

After going through a few buildings, I open a door and end up at a bar-like place.

This should be it.

I pull out my phone and text my boss, a woman named Siobhan, that I've arrived.

The place seemed really dark, but not too dark where you couldn't see. It felt, I guess, moody. If that's what you want to call a dark and mysterious looking bar.

Not having me wait too long, Siobhan arrives.

"You must be y/n. Based on your voice, I didn't expect you to look so handsome." She chuckles before reaching out her hand.

I awkwardly laughed, "Yeah, thanks." I shake her hand.

"I believe we already introduced ourselves, but just to go over formalities, my names Siobhan. I'm the owner of this bar here." She had short blonde hair, and a colorful top. Looking at her appearance, she seemed pretty punk, which fits the bar aesthetic I guess.

She lets go of my hand and gestures for me to follow. We end up at the actual bar and a couple glasses are already prepared, most likely for me to practice. I end up standing on the outside, while Siobhan stands on the inside.

"So one thing about this place, I know it's gonna sound crazy, but if you want the job you're gonna have to come to terms with this." She states cautiously.

Knew there was a catch.

"Go ahead." I nod, crossing my arms in indifference.

She places her hands on the corner of the bar counter, and sighs, "You'll encounter some monsters, but they'll just want a drink like any other. As long as you keep a healthy attitude, everything will be fine." She places a hand on my shoulder, "Don't tense too much, just thought I'd go over this. You okay with that?"

Monsters? Like, actual monsters?

I blinked for a moment, nah, she probably just means tough customers or something.

"Yeah that's okay." I sit on the bar stool and place my hand on one of the empty glasses in front of me, "We're gonna get to pouring?" I ask, wanting to start right away.

She nods happily while teaching me how to pour various drinks. Some of which, are easy, while some are a bit more complex.

One of the drinks actually caught my eye, chewing gum?

That type of name for a drink would make me a bit reluctant to taste it...

She then proceeded to show me how to pour drinks that were based solely off of customers preferences. That part seemed a bit tougher, but I managed to get through the basic process.

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