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eight || saved by a stranger


"Taehyun," Yeonjun called out for the male who still hadn't spared him a single glance. "It's getting really late, are you sure you don't want me to drive you home?"

"I'll be fine hyung," Taehyun said, not even bothered that he wasn't giving him any eye contact, he was too focused on making sure these two fabrics were stitched together perfectly. "I told you, I walk home all the time, I'll be fine."

"Not when it's nearly ten o'clock! Are you really sure...? You always walk home when there's at least a little bit of sunlight." Yeonjun walked over towards him and gently placed his hand on the males shoulder.

Taehyun finally looked up from his little project and over at Yeonjun who was staring at him with hawk eyes, mentally rolling his eyes, the male placed down the fabrics and gently placed his hand on top of Yeonjun's.

"I will be fine," Taehyun said slowly so the elder could understand that he was serious. "If I need help, I'll call you or Huening Kai right away."

Yeonjun didn't seem so convinced by that, but after receiving such a stern tone from the younger, he had no choice but to just give up his attempts to drop him off home. Stepping away for a second, the male nodded and walked over towards his table to get his supplies.

"Are you sure you really want to work so late?"

"I'm sure, Yeonjun hyung," Taehyun chuckled softly by how persistent the elder was on trying to get him to not stay out so late. "If I didn't want to work late then I wouldn't have gotten a job here."

Yeonjun bit the bottom of his lip anxiously before giving up fully, nodding his head as he walked over towards him and wrapped his arms around the male, squeezing him reassuringly before walking away and out of their studio, finally leaving him alone.

Taehyun sighed happily now that he was peacefully alone, he enjoyed Yeonjun's company, but sometimes the elder can be a bit much at times.

The male stood up from his seat and groaned loudly, cracking his back as he walked over to the laptop in the corner and started playing some songs which would help him keep focus on what he was doing.

He had decided that for tonight, he would work overtime, with the approval from Mrs. Minatozaki he decided that he would use this time to think of something for his show.

It was a bit frustrating though, everything he thought of, he would second guess it and scratch it from the pile of ideas he had.

Maybe it was because he had spent the entire day pondering over the male who was in his dream.

The male who was named-


"I forgot your name again..." Taehyun mumbled softly, his eyes fluttering closed as he gently played with the ring on his finger.

For the past hours, it was like every single time he thought about the male who was in his dream, the name that was given to him, he had forgotten every single time. Taehyun was one to always have good memory, never the one to forget things so easily, but for some reason just one single damn name slips away from his mind easily.

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