Chapter 7: Sophie

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Sophie, Marella and Biana stepped into the humongous, shimmering palace throne room in awe as Biana bounced ahead giddily. Marella and Sophie gazed at their surroundings in sheer awe as Biana pranced around with a goofy smile on her face. Sophie noticed and chuckled seeing her excitement. Guess she was having her little princess moment. She thought innocently. The girl deserved to let loose sometimes after all the gore and chaos of being a spy. Sophie was so lost in her thoughts and her surroundings that she didn't even notice the two standing on the raised platform in front of their thrones.

"Hello, ladies," A kind and crisply accented voice said. "Welcome to our palace."

Marella and Sophie's eyes shot up and they straightened as they examined the two royals wearing matching teal jerkins. One man was clearly older than the other, wisps of gray hair shining through his brunette locks and a kind smile. The younger man standing next to him had a neat, combed head of brunette hair and chiseled jawline. Sophie's jaw dropped as she looked at them, not just because the younger man was attractive (although he definitely was and her brain took note of that against her protests). That accent... that hair... and those eyes. Those sharp teal eyes- where had she seen them before? She looked back at her friends to see if they noticed anything when her eyes caught on Biana. The blonde did a double take between the royals and her fidgety brunette friend, who was trembling- with excitement or nerves? She couldn't tell- before her brain finally put two and two together. Biana let out an inhumane, high-pitched squeal and rushed to the thrones, enveloping the prince and King Alden in a bear hug.

"Glad to see you haven't changed, Bi," The prince choked out, wrapping his arms around the girl. "How's being a super spy like little sis?"

"Where's Mom?" She asked sweetly. 

The king chuckled and gave Biana a kiss on the forehead. "Caught up working with the stealth team, but she'll be right with you tomorrow. My precious girl, it's been so long since you visited."

Biana looked up at her dad from her brother's shoulder, tears glistening in her eyes.

"There was no reason to worry," She whispered with a small smile.

They embraced for a few more seconds as Sophie stared bewildered at the scene.

Marella, who had looked like she was about to combust, let out a happy screech.

"BIANA??? YOU'RE A PRINCESS???" She squealed excitedly.

Sophie added on. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US BEFORE???"

Biana dropped her embrace and scratched the back of her neck sheepishly, remembering they had an audience.

"Well, it's not a thing you mention in a casual conversation... I guess I never thought it was the right time..." She looked at her friends nervously, biting her lip. "Are you mad at me?" She asked in a small voice.

Marella's face softened. "Of course not, girl! I was just wondering how we hadn't found out before."

"Yeah," Sophie said. "How are you a spy anyway?"

Biana opened her mouth, but Alden cut her off.

"Well, if you'll allow me to explain, I'd like to tell your spy friends the story of Biana Vacker!" He said, a mischievous glint in his teal eyes.

Biana scowled and the prince, who's name Sophie still hadn't figured out, grinned. She blushed slightly at the megawatt movie star smile, then internally smacked herself for doing so.

"See, Biana was the most precious little one that a person could dream of. Like her mother, she had an eye for fashion and leadership, but also, a talent of stealth!"

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