What's the basic concept?

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This is an AU that shares important concepts from other AUs such as UNDERSWAP, UNDERFELL, GLITCHTALE, and UNDERTALE Yellow. I'll give a few examples;

You can also count Storyshift but their concept has less of a presence than Underswap, does. Some characters will have swapped Roles and/or personalities. Most notably Chara and Frisk. Chara is the main human, while Frisk is considered the first fallen human. Do their personalities and their history change? Definitely but I'll talk about it another time.

The concept of RED MAGIC and the curse still exists, mostly because I think these concepts are interesting and could spice up the story and action. Only in certain lands will there be an actual red enemy. Most notably WATERFALL. Despite it being one of the most peaceful-looking places and the most quiet, there is a reason nobody goes to the land alone

GLITCHTALE and Yellow:
The characters, concepts, and continuity. So, events like in UNDERTALE Yellow have happened with almost every character intact in their role, just with some story tweaks. GLITCHTALE is more about the characters than the actual story because so far, I don't want a redeemable villain, or at least another one. So, yes characters like Betty Noire, who is one of my favorite UNDERTALE villains will have a MIXEDified version of themselves in a story at one point.

Other Idea
I have another concept for this AU that doesn't involve UNDERTALE. This universe will have a 1930-40s aesthetic. In terms of music and how most of the characters will be designed, this only applies to the Underground part of this AU, The world outside of that will just be regular old 2015 with a few tweaks. One of them is how the Monsters are treated by humans. People in the fandom have focused on this before, but I feel like they really half-assed that topic because if you think about it, that's really an important part of the concept behind Undertale. They loathe each other to the point they aren't hesitant to kill each other because of a war. So, what if they brought back segregation, a real problem that made people suffer back during those old times, but they'll just change it to where Humans and Monsters can't be in the same building, restaurant, bar, and other public places? Of course, it won't be called the same name that I will not speak of because I'll get attacked.  Back on the aesthetic of the underground, I chose the 1930s-40s because visual-wise, Those were some of the greatest-looking times, at least in my opinion. Some of the only places in the Underground that won't follow this aesthetic are Snowdin Town and the Hotlands. Snowdin Town would have a 1920s New Orleans aesthetic. For Snowdin being a small town, this might be a rough one to work with. I might choose to have it based on the Battlefields of New Orleans. Here, is a picture for reference. something like that but a little smaller.

You guys can let me know what you guys think about this design choice

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You guys can let me know what you guys think about this design choice.

Now for the Hotlands, I decided that it's probably for the best if I don't change it. The whole idea is that it's supposed to be the most futuristic land in the Underground. The reason why Waterfall doesn't have the technology, music, and clothes is because they couldn't afford it, and/or it wouldn't be too safe to keep it around a dangerous part of the Underground. Snowdin Town, They REALLY don't care about it, it's not prohibited but they'll just see you as big-headed or a show-off. they enjoy and prefer the dated aesthetic of Jazz Music, clothes, and Technology. the only thing "futuristic" that they would keep in their house is a TV for information and movie purposes or some technology that came from the 1940s. 


The music in this AU remains mostly unchanged in terms of motifs. There are occasional UNDERSWAP and UNDERFELL motifs, but nothing too unique otherwise.

The style of the music is going to undergo significant changes. Genres such as Jazz, Swing, and waltz will be the main styles for most of the songs. However, there are a few songs that need to retain their original style. For example, "Death by Glamour," "Battle Against A True Hero," and "RUN."

NEW SONGS(So to speak)
When I mention new songs, I'm referring to music from the 1920s-1940s that's new to the UNDERTALE genre. I will be creating covers of these songs while ensuring that I preserve their original style. Mostly from people like Louis Armstrong, Cab Calloway, Al Jolson, and other significant musicians of the time.

Here's a playlist of the types of songs and styles that will be present.



The tone for short stories will be mostly light-hearted, comedic, or simple slice of life. However, the main 4 of the 5 Stories will be more serious, dealing with topics like abuse, self-harm, crime, loss, and trauma.

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