Power Outage

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In the candlelit chaos, as they cleaned up the mess, their conversation took a turn from their usual playful banter to more personal territory.

"Hey, Tanner," Larry began hesitantly, pausing to gather his thoughts, "have you ever thought about... us? You know, beyond just being housemates or friends?"

Tanner, caught off guard, nearly dropped the broom he was holding. "Us?" he echoed, his voice betraying a hint of vulnerability. "Honestly, Larry, I've had my moments of... curiosity, I guess. Why? Are you saying you've thought about it too?"

Larry nodded, his cheeks flushing with a mixture of embarrassment and courage. "Yeah, I mean, we're always together, and we get along so well, even with the constant teasing and all. I just wonder if there's something more, you know?"

Tanner set the broom aside, moving closer to Larry. "I'd be lying if I said I hadn't wondered the same," he admitted, his usual sass subdued into something more tender. "But, Larry, are we really considering this? We're both... not exactly the brightest bulbs in the box."

Larry laughed, a sound filled with warmth and relief. "Maybe that's what makes it perfect, Tanner. We understand each other's quirks and faults."

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of the front door opening. Nick walked in, his arrival timed with the power coming back on, flooding the room with light and halting the intimate moment.

"Whoa, what happened here?" Nick exclaimed, surveying the mess of snacks and broken vase. "Looks like you two had quite the party while I was gone."

Tanner and Larry exchanged a look, their shared secret momentarily pushed aside. "Just a small mishap," Tanner replied, his voice returning to its familiar confident tone.

Isaac followed Nick into the room, his observant eyes quickly taking in the scene. "You guys okay?" he asked, a slight smile on his face as if he sensed the underlying tension.

"Yeah, just a power cut and a classic Larry move," Tanner joked, throwing an arm around Larry's shoulder, a gesture that didn't go unnoticed by Isaac, who raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

Yumi, the last to return, entered the room with his usual quiet demeanor. "Did I miss something exciting?" he inquired, his gaze shifting between Larry and Tanner.

"Just the usual chaos," Larry replied, his voice steadier now, the earlier emotional turmoil settling into a hopeful anticipation.

As the night progressed, the group fell into their usual rhythm, with laughter and light-hearted teasing filling the air. Yet, for Larry and Tanner, the evening had sparked a newfound awareness, an unspoken promise of possibilities that lingered in their exchanged glances and accidental touches.

Ghat ChePeTE definitely didn't write this: LARRY CROFT X BIG T TANNERWhere stories live. Discover now