Technical Glitch

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The next morning, the "Group Chat" house was alive with its usual bustle. Breakfast was a communal affair, with everyone gathered in the kitchen, contributing to a meal that was as eclectic as the group itself.

"So, Larry, managed to break anything else after I left?" Nick teased, serving pancakes onto his plate.

Larry, more at ease now, shot back with a grin, "Only Tanner's resistance to my charm, I think."

The room erupted in laughter, including Tanner, who playfully nudged Larry. "Keep dreaming, Croft," he retorted, but his smile lingered, softer than his words.

Isaac, ever the observer, watched the exchange with interest. "You two seemed pretty cozy last night," he commented casually, buttering his toast.

Tanner choked on his coffee, while Larry's face turned a shade redder. Yumi, who had been quietly sipping his tea, almost smirked, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Cozy? We were just cleaning up after the power cut," Tanner managed to say, his voice a mix of feigned indifference and underlying tension.

"Ah, the power cut," Yumi said, setting down his cup. "A convenient cover for heart-to-heart conversations, isn't it?"

Nick looked between Tanner and Larry, a realization dawning. "Wait, did you guys have a moment?" he asked, his usual teasing tone giving way to genuine curiosity.

Before either could respond, Isaac interjected, "Let's not jump to conclusions, guys. Maybe they're just getting along better."

"Getting along, or getting together?" Nick wiggled his eyebrows, eliciting a round of laughs.

Larry and Tanner shared a glance, a silent communication passing between them. They weren't ready to define what was happening, not yet, but the playful nudging from their friends wasn't unwelcome.

The conversation shifted to plans for the day, with each member talking about their individual projects and collaborations. Larry and Tanner, though part of the larger discussion, remained acutely aware of each other, their earlier conversation lingering in their minds.

As the day progressed, Larry found himself in the shared workspace, struggling with a technical glitch in his Discord server. "Ugh, why can't I figure this out?" he muttered, frustration evident in his voice.

Tanner, passing by, paused and leaned over Larry's shoulder, his proximity sending a familiar jolt through Larry. "Here, let me try," Tanner offered, his fingers deftly navigating the keyboard.

Their closeness, a stark contrast to the previous night's tension, was comfortable, easy. As Tanner fixed the issue, their hands brushed, and a spark of electricity coursed through them, reigniting the simmering tension.

Nick, who had been watching from his desk, chuckled. "You two are like an old married couple, you know that?"

Isaac looked up from his book, adding, "Yeah, bickering one minute and helping each other the next. It's kind of cute."

Tanner and Larry, once again the center of attention, laughed off the comments, but their eyes met, sharing a secret joy in the comparison.

As evening approached, the group gathered in the living room, planning their next big collaboration. Ideas flew back and forth, with everyone contributing enthusiastically. Amidst the creative chaos, Larry and Tanner found themselves drifting into a private conversation, their connection deepening.

Yumi, observing from his corner, smiled to himself, noting the subtle changes in their dynamics. "Looks like the Group Chat house is about to get its next big storyline," he murmured, almost to himself.

Ghat ChePeTE definitely didn't write this: LARRY CROFT X BIG T TANNERWhere stories live. Discover now