We're a Team

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As the evening wore on, the collaborative spirit in the "Group Chat" house was palpable. The living room was abuzz with energy, plans for their next big project unfolding amidst laughter and creative banter.

Nick, leaning back in his chair, looked over at Larry and Tanner, who were deep in discussion. "So, what do you guys think? Should we go with the urban exploration theme for the next series?" he asked, addressing the room but eyeing the duo with a playful curiosity.

Tanner, momentarily breaking away from his conversation with Larry, nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely, it's fresh, and it's got that edge of adventure we need. Right, Larry?"

Larry, who had been nodding along to Tanner's words, added, "Yeah, and it could be a great way to bring in some of our individual strengths. I mean, imagine the kind of misadventures I can get into in an abandoned building!"

Isaac chuckled from his corner, "Misadventures is an understatement for what you can manage, Larry."

Yumi, usually the quiet one, spoke up, "I think it's a brilliant idea. Plus, it gives us a chance to work together but also showcase our individual styles."

The group continued to flesh out the details, with each member contributing ideas that played to their strengths. As they did, Larry and Tanner's exchanges grew more flirty and playful, their previous awkwardness replaced by a comfortable and shared excitement for the future.

As the meeting wrapped up, Nick stretched and yawned, "Well, that's settled then. Urban exploration it is. But now, I'm starving. Who's up for ordering some pizza?"

Tanner raised his hand, "Count me in. What about you, Larry? Pizza?"

Larry grinned, "Always up for pizza, especially if it's with you guys."

The room filled with the sound of laughter and agreement as Isaac took out his phone to place the order. "I'm getting the vegetarian one. Any other requests?"

Yumi, standing up to stretch, replied, "Get something with a lot of meat for me, please."

As the group settled into a more relaxed atmosphere, waiting for their late-night feast, Larry leaned over to Tanner, whispering, "Thanks for earlier, with the server thing. I really appreciated it."

Tanner, with a soft smile, whispered back, "Anytime, Larry. We're a team, right?"

Their quiet exchange went unnoticed by the others, who were now engaged in a heated debate over the best pizza toppings. The camaraderie in the room was strong, the earlier hints of romance between Larry and Tanner blending seamlessly into the fabric of their group friendship.

As they ate, laughed, and planned, the night deepened, and the bonds within the "Group Chat" house grew stronger. Larry and Tanner, now more openly affectionate, became the heart of the group's dynamic, their newfound connection adding a warm glow to the already vibrant household.

In the "Group Chat" house, amidst the shared meals, late-night planning sessions, and impromptu live streams, Larry and Tanner's relationship blossomed. It was a place where friendships were forged in the fires of creativity and chaos, where love could spark in the most unexpected of ways, and where every day was an adventure waiting to happen.

Ghat ChePeTE definitely didn't write this: LARRY CROFT X BIG T TANNERWhere stories live. Discover now