Special Episode - April Fools Day

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Special Guest: The Energizer Bunny, Tasmania Devil, the Teletubbies, Pocoyo, Pato, Elly, Cbeebies blob, Seven Network TV guy and Minimini fish.

*One day, it is April Fools' Day in Moominvalley*

Moomin: It's April fools right? What a coincidence..

Little My: Oooh! Let's play pranks on our friends!

Sniff: That would be a fun idea!

Snorkmaden: I agree with Sniff!

Snufkin: No thank you...

Too-Ticky: Ye' want in on tha' prankin' fun?

*Cynical Rabbit walks around in the Moominvalley, smells a fresh air and brings a very happy face*

Little My: Aww! Look how happy Cynical Rabbit is!"

Sniff: Heh heh.. that's so adorable...

Snorkmaden: Wonderious what has her looking so content-

Snufkin: Hmph...

Cynical Rabbit: Hey you! What are you doing? You look really peaceful today

Snufkin: I'm just relaxing.. nothing else...

Little My: Hmmm..... I wonder if it could maybe be the weather? Or is it more than that?

Snorkmaden: Right... Or perhaps you're happy because of... something else?

Sniff: The plot thickens....

Cynical Rabbit: No, I'm not happy because of it. I am happy because today is the bright new day!

*The group look surprised*

Snorkmaden: So you're just happy because it's a bright new day?

Snufkin: And that's the only reason?

Sniff: Huh.. That's a weird thing to be happy over...

Snorkmaden: I see... I see...

Little My: Really? Is it really just because its a bright new day?

Cynical Rabbit: Yes! Who have though of it! I'm going now, see ya!

*Cynical Rabbit walks away*

*The group just stare at you as you walk away with confusion*

Snufkin: She's very weird...

Little My: Yeah... I agree...

Snorkmaden: Right? Who's excited for a new day?

Sniff: That's so abnormal...

*Cynical Rabbit proceeds to walk in the Moominvalley and crosses Koopatroopaman, meanwhile he approaches at Cynical Rabbit*

Koopatroopaman: Today is 1 April! And do you know what it is?

Cynical Rabbit: Yes?

Koopatroopaman: We get to prank people!

Cynical Rabbit: Yes! I love pranking people!

Koopatroopaman: Do you wanna join?

Cynical Rabbit: Yes! I wanna join!

Koopatroopaman: Let's go!

*Cynical Rabbit and Koopatroopaman goes together to prank people. Cynical Rabbit and Koopatroopaman goes to the Energizer Bunny. They both about to pull a prank in this April Fools day. They both hide so that the Energizer Bunny can't be seen*

Cynical Rabbit: Allright. We're going to prank this little bunny. You're ready?

Koopatroopaman: Alright, I'm ready when you are!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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