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Just because someone understands themselves - their mind, interests and opinions - doesn't mean that they can make decisions and be decisive.

When someone understands themselves it means that they know the reasons for having two choices. For instance, Lauren wanted to go and party but it was January so it was cold and she didn't feel like dealing with the paparazzi today. The two options passed back and forth between her mind as she thought of all the pros and cons: should she go or stay?

She was already dressed. It was a 60's themed party, Lucy Grove (the birthday girl and party planner) had been obsessed with Gentlemen prefer blonds and really wanted to dress up as Marilyn Monroe so she had set the theme as 60's for that reason alone.

Lauren had gotten a black dress that looked exactly like the one Audrey Hepburn wore in breakfast at Tiffany's from a shoot she did a while ago so she didn't have to put much thought into the party.

Ever since she had heard the theme was 60s she knew she wanted to either dress up as Audrey Hepburn or Barabella. Her dark brown hair was in the classic messy waves that had become her staple along with her 70s haircut. If there was one thing people always remembered about Olivia, after her smile and bright green eyes, it was her hair.

After she debated with herself, trying to decide if she wanted to go out, she eventually came to the conclusion that she had already had the outfit (and gotten ready) so it would be a waste not to go - even if it was just for an hour. She grabbed a thick coat since it was cold and wet, which was usual in London during January (and well, most months not even just winter), and called a cab.

She had thought it was strange that Lucy had planned her party on a Tuesday but she had said that she wanted to celebrate on her birthday.
That was the luxury of having a flexible job, you could choose your days off. She wasn't sure how many other people would be there, since most people had actual 9-5's and would have work the next day, but the small bar she had booked was full of people. There were a couple of people outside smoking and some that just needed fresh air (since Lauren had spent about an hour trying to decide if she was coming they had a head start on getting drunk). There was one guy sat on the steps in the doorway his head hung between his knees. Lauren slid past him.

She had walked in and had gone straight to the bar for a drink. She hated standing around looking lost so she quickly ordered a drink, it gave her time to look around and try to find some people that she knew.

Whilst Lauren liked Lucy they weren't very close, they had done a few shoots together but they had never gone out for lunch or even coffee - Lauren was actually surprised to be invited but she assumed that Lucy just wanted a lot of people and didn't care who they were.

She spotted a group of girls all wearing hippie flower girl outfits with flared sleeves and matching headbands. There was one guy dressed up as Austin Powers, which made Lauren chuckle as she sipped her drink. As she looked around she assumed everyone had just googled '60's costume' and she suddenly felt very proud of her costume in a pretentious way - she liked feeling like her outfit was better than everyone else's, even if that was a very egotistical thing to be proud of.

Just as she spotted a group of some people she might know, or at least felt confident enough to talk to, Lucy had grabbed her shoulder and when Lauren turned around in surprise Lucy had pulled her into a hug.

She was tall, most models are, with blonde hair and pale skin. Her eyebrows were thick and her lips were a rich pink naturally that matched her blushed cheeks. What Lauren liked about Lucy was that she didn't take herself too seriously, she still had fun and didn't stick her nose up at people.

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