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It was early in the morning, the sun shone through the window and Lauren laughed as she woke. Alex was pressed against her back with his arm wrapped around her waist whilst he kissed up and down her shoulder. She turned onto her back and Alex didn't move so that he was now leaning over her, resting on his forearm.

He smiled at her and gave her a quick kiss, "Morning." He whispered before resuming to kiss her neck.

She giggled, "You know that you're extremely clingy." She teased but when she felt him pull away she quickly added, "No! Not in a bad way,." She clarified looking at his worried face before laughing at him, "God your adorable."
Alex scrunched his face up in disgust as he repeated, "Adorable?"
Lauren nodded with a wide grin, "Very much so. I think clingy was the wrong word, your very . . . Affectionate." She corrected bringing a hand up to his cheek and rubbing her thumb along his face.

"Hmm. I don't know how much I love adorable and affectionate if I'm going to be honest."
"That's because you try to be hot and mysterious - a cool dickhead rockstar. I mean you are hot but I like this. I like that you show me how much you like me." She said sitting up slightly to press a kiss on his lips.

"I think it's because I didn't have you for so long, need to make up for lost time." He mumbled against her lips.

She pulled away before sitting up fully, Alex doing the same and leaning against the headboard as he watched her get out of bed throwing on a large t-shirt, "I think you're just a softy inside - you don't fool me Alexander. Plus only children are always clingy." She teased.
"Hmm, or maybe I just like kissing you." He shrugged with a smirk.

She walked to the other side of the bed, the side that he was on, and leant down - close to his face, as she said, "Well then I'd be fine with that too, I like kissing you too." She said proving it by giving him a peck.

Alex put an arm around her waist and pulled her down so she was sat on his lap. "We can't spend all day making out." She giggled against his lips.

She tried to pull away but Alex just moved her closer his arm around her waist the other on her thigh, "Says who?"

After they finally got up, lauren walked into the bathroom to get herself ready for the day.

She looked in the mirror and saw her messy hair, letting out a quick giggle. Last night was, amazing.
Alex really knows what he's doing. Lauren then decided to have a shower, to clean herself up a bit.

As she was singing in the shower, Alex walked in. Lauren didn't notice, since she faced the wall and was singing with her eyes closed.
"You are such a lovely singer." He smiled. Lauren turned around and saw Alex leaning against the door.
"You're joking right?" She looked at him seriously. while trying not to smile, cause of...Alex (duh)

Lauren turned back around.

"I am not stupid love." He left out a soft chuckle.
"Prove it." She gave him a quick look over her bare shoulder. Alex stepped closer to the shower.
"Okay, let me join you then."

Alex undressed himself and stepped into the shower with Lauren.

Alex grabbed her waist and turned her around, so they would face each other. Lauren let out a giggle making Alex smile.

Lauren noticed the water drops were forming little rivers on his bare chest. Just then he dove in for a kiss.

As Lauren was standing there with him in the shower, both completely naked. She realized that he probably still had to pay his water bill.

Lauren gently pulled away from the kiss and grabbed the first bottle of shampoo she saw.
"Baby shampoo."
"Alex, jeez!" Lauren laughed.
"What? It's good!" He laughed aswell.

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