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Lauren's day was pretty hectic, she had flown out to Italy to do a quick Ralph Lauren shoot with one of her close friends Lucky blue smith. Then after they finished she had to catch the next flight for New York fashion week. Lauren delicately watched the time hoping to make it to her plane, thankfully she did.

As she was sitting down she was offered a plate of croissants and a sip of coffee, she quickly declined. Though she had been starving she realized it was pointless. Ever since her falling out with Alex, Lauren had found it hard not to puke up her food. It didn't help she was flying to multiple places. As a result she was way more tired than humanly possible, not that she could get any rest to solve that. She was lucky to "not be dead" as lucky blue and Adriana Lima called it.

After landing Lauren quickly rushed to drop her luggage at her hotel and ran to her next show, at Victoria secret.

"What took you so long?" Candice asked in a hushed voice.
"I just landed in so sorry."
"You're good." Candice replied, "Hey, are you good? You look tired."
"Yup." Lauren quickly said.

It was not surprise that people noticed Lauren not feeling good, or looking good for that matter. She just hoped the makeup artist would do good at hiding it.

Lauren was opening the show, the theme was 'angels in bloom' which was hilarious to Lauren because her close friend Lana del Rey was preforming her new album which was called 'Born to die' during the fashion show.

Lauren always felt happy being able to walk shows, all her worries flew away.

News reporters devoured the show calling Lauren the new Victoria secret bombshell. She got a lot of press afterwards which always managed to make her uncomfortable. She had one more show she had to attend but afterwards made plans with Lana, Adriana, and Candice to go out to a club towards the end of the week. Her next show was a Dior one, though it was tiring she somehow pushed through.

Lauren's fashion week flew by, only 1 day left to finish, then she would be free to go out and party with her friends.

Valentino, that was her final show of the week, then back to her home London. She had decided to take Paris off so she could rest.

On her way back to her hotel Lauren spotted a news article written about her. "Oh my gosh." She whispered to herself. It was about her and lucky. It talked about their Ralph Lauren shoot and how someone claimed they were hooking up. Lauren was appalled, but wasn't even thinking about her hatred in the moment, she thought about how Alex would react. She had rejected him and now he would most likely find out about this news paper and thinks shes already moved on.

She has always hated the media, they always made something into what it wasn't, first her and Alex, now her and lucky blue smith. Lauren rushed to her hotel so she could cry without people seeing her.

It was not 9:30. Adriana and Lana were already at Lauren's hotel. Candice came storming into her room.

"Ugh, can you believe this shit!" Throwing down the same newspaper Lauren had saw earlier. "We all know he's seeing someone, think about how this would affect their relationship!"
"I know it's total BS!" Lauren agreed.
"It's fine, they're going to leave it alone in a few weeks." Adriana said.
"Yeah, but think about what happened with you and Alex, they carried that on for a few months. I mean nothing happened right?" Lana asked.
"I mean." Lauren smirked.
"Lauren." Adriana asked excitedly. "What happened?"

Lauren continued to explain what exactly happened with Alex while they got into a taxi.

"I'm so sorry, we don't have to keep talking about it." Lana explained seeing Lauren's expression.

They finally pulled up to the club and got inside. Lauren immediately ordered her Mexican coke, knowing they had it from the year she spent in New York. They spent a while talking, catching up, and drinking. Soon Lana left, as she had to catch a flight in the morning and the Victoria secret girls went to the dance floor.

The vibes were definitely different from London, even though she enjoyed hanging out with Adriana and Candice she deeply missed the Arctic monkeys, specifically Alex.

"What song is this?" Lauren asked, it sounded familiar but didn't quite know what it was.
"Umm." Candice and Adriana looked at each other with concerning looks. "I think it just released today, it's called 505 by... umm... by The Arctic monkeys." Candice finally muttered.

Lauren's face immediately dropped.
She couldn't believe she forgot about the release of their new album, Alex had told her about it last time they talked at miles. She felt awful.

"5-505?" She repeated.
"Yeah." Adriana replied.
"Are you okay honey?" Candice asked.
"Yeah, I just need some- some fresh air." Lauren ran out of the club and called for a taxi.

"Tonight, we have a special song. A new album by the Arctic monkeys called R U mine?." The announcer on the radio said. "Hit it hon."

Lauren heard it in the background as the driver asked where too.

"The grand plaza hotel please." She replied. "Can you actually turn it up please?"
"Sure thing."

As Lauren listened to the song she realized that anyone could tell it was about her. She felt the emotion Alex had put it to it, that moment she had no doubt she loved him, she always had but this made her realize if she was going to have a relationship, Alexander David Turner was the one for her. They ways he sang about her could give anyone the chills, or at least her, she smiled at the fact he cared this much about her. She just wanted to know if he still felt that way.

Maybe it was the amount of alcohol in her system or it was her love for him but she rushed to the airport and auctioned for a ticket to London.

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