• chapter nineteen •

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"I thought you would've forgotten about the popcorn maker story?" Conrad laughed as he and Bre wandered around the country club looking for some drinks.

"Nope never going to forget that, it's one of my core memories" Bre laughed, that was one thing she missed the last few months was hearing his laugh.

"Have you gotten obsessed with inside out again?" Conrad stopped dead in his tracks, thinking about when the film came out they went and saw it twice during that summer and when it came out on DVD they would watch it most summers too.

"Only once, it was last week. Keegan and Hattie wanted to watch it so I had to secretly watch it when they weren't looking so they didn't think I was weird" Bre confessed.

Conrad smiled at himself as they walked down the corridor.

It was after Christmas and Conrad had been staying with Bre before he needed to go back to school, her roommate was still at home so they had the whole dorm room to themselves.

"What about we go down to the store and have a movie night?" Bre said jumping up from the bed, they'd been laying in bed all day talking and she suddenly got a spring of energy.

"Sounds good" Conrad said smirking, truthfully he'd do anything for her. He'd never been this in love with someone and didn't want this moment to end.

That evening ended like every evening he'd ever wanted, falling asleep in the arms of Bre with a burnt popcorn smell in the air. They'd ended up running down to the ocean and having a swim before heading to the store and having a movie night. It didn't matter where they were they both loved each other and that's all they needed.

"How is Brown? Well before you left anyway?" Bre said she wanted to know how he was truthfully not the wall he was putting up.

"It's okay, just got a bit hard the last month. But college is hard" Conrad sighed, there was so much he wanted to say.

"Bre! Conrad! We found somewhere" Belly said motioning them to follow her. As they followed her they found themselves in the movie theatre of the country club. Bre looked around then sighed and took a seat next to Conrad.

Bre had zoned out with everyone coming in and out, and Taylor making a bong. She felt disconnected and was trying to process her thoughts one by one.

"I'm gonna get some air," Bre said before leaving for the golf course.

The nights in Cousins felt the same, there were always stars shining and the moon was bright. But she didn't feel like she was in Cousins anymore.

"Hey Bre, are you okay?" Jeremiah said jogging up to her.

"Yeah just wanting some air" She said quietly.

"I was thinking if we manage to save the house, we should come back in July for Belly's birthday" Jere suggested.

"Yeah maybe" Bre said skeptically.

"What's going on? And tell the truth" Jere said stopping her from walking anymore.

"Am I stupid for still loving Conrad after all this time?" Bre spat out with water in her eyes.

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