in secrecy

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Today was my first day of senior year of college. I was 22 and tired of this bullshit so of course I was excited! But that's not the only reason why I was exited. The main reason why I was excited was because my floor teacher this year was Miss. Swift, the hottest teacher here, who was also my english teacher. I've know her all of my years here and she's been friendly with me since day one, so that was a bonus. I would proudly admit that I have a problem when it comes to being attracted to older women.

As I walked into my dorm room there's a high pitched, ear burning voice. "Hi! You must be my roommate! Oh my God you're so pretty! It's so good to meet you! I can't wait to spend this whole year with you!" I stare at the brown haired girl in a very blunt way then quickly turn around to find her standing in the doorway, a laugh escaping her lips from my reaction.

"Well hello girls, my name is Miss. Swift and I will be your floor teacher this year. So if you have any questions, my room is right down the hall and to the left.

"I have a question. Can we like... Fuck now?"

That's something I wanted to ask, but definitely didn't nor could. "My goodness you are just as pretty as my roommate! Are you sure it would be illegal to ask certain things!? Wow oh wow! You have such kissable lips! No, I'm sorry!" I turn away and hold in my laugh. "Hey y/n." Swift walks up behind me and places her hands on the sides of my hips staring at side of my face and whispering in my ear.

"Be a nice girl for me, okay? You're 18 years old now. This is her first day ever here, and this is your fourth year." The feeling of her hands on my waist and her hot breath on my ear, definitely make me feel things, and I wondered deeply, that if I turned around right now, would we kiss? No. I'm crazy and delusional, which never changes.

I just nod my head and turn to face her, finding a soft smile spread across her face. "Okay Miss. Swift. I'm sorry"

"Don't be, she is a little weird but you have to be nice..." She whispers and my mouth drops. "Oh... A-Are you even allowed to say that?" I laugh and she shakes her head. "No, so don't repeat that." She winks before walking out of the room and my roommate looks at me with a smile. "What did she say!? Oh my God you guys were totally flirting!"

"She said if you keep talking you have to sleep in the basement." As I say this her eyes widen and she looks frightened which in this case, makes me feel incredible.


The next morning I roll out of bed and notice my roomate who's name is Leah, putting up a fucking pride flag on the ceiling and the wall. Like obviously I support cause I'm LGBT too, but please, it's fucking 4 am.

"Good morning y/n!"

"Morning Leah." Morning because it was not a good morning, especially because I had her as a roommate. "I'm getting ready and heading to class, good luck." I say as I slam the bathroom door to take a shower, thinking about the dream that I had, which was about Miss. Swift of course.

The dream was the two of us in class, I was sitting at her desk cause I had asked her for help on an assignment, but I couldn't stop looking at her God awful kissable lips. Next thing we know, our lips were smashed together and we got locked into a heated make out session. I woke up wet, but that's okay because it was hot.

I washed my body and as I reached my most sensitive spot, I gently rub, softly, but quickly, letting out out a soft moan so my roomate doesn't hear me going off to my teacher. This woman made me feel a certain way and I loved it.

"Fuck me." I whisper to myself as I slip a finger inside of my hot and soaked core. Suddenly I hear a knock on the bathroom door. "y/n! Miss. Swift is here for dorm check!"

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