4-their company

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Going outside was going to be harder than they thought,a few feet out the door and Alhaitham becomes all fidgety.all the stimuli is certainly going to take some time getting used to

Not many people know the identity of the scribe,but surely they were to get a few weird looks if the scholar happened to appear out in public again after a while,with fox ears and a tail at that.i mean he couldn't blame them.he'd want to stare at Alhaitham all day too,haha what.he didn't just think that...gods he was hopeless.sometimes it felt like a different person was in his head entirely.someone that still wholeheartedly cares like he does,he cares about Alhaitham

Not even a small walk?


And that's a no..

The fox ends up resorting back to not speaking when he doesn't want to do something.nothing the blonde could do about it unfortunately.putting his trust forward,even when he didn't get a response was the least he could do.Kaveh always believed hope wins in the end.all he has to do is wait a bit more for that to pay off

But how much longer can you wait architect?

Kaveh has been gotten the valuka to eat more foods,trying to change the recipes in ways so his roommate can handle them.its not like he was the one who always cooked for them after all.the two agreed to switch this task every few days between them,though notably every few days seeing how it was more often than not something the scribe dumped on him after an argument.when pressed on it he of course said nothing.the blonde of course takes it as some sort of punishment,would Alhaitham even like his cooking that much in the first place?

Be grateful I'm going out of my way for you

Here I thought you always cooked like that~

Hey,are you implying my cooking sucks!?



It's not that big of a deal

N-nonsense,I'll find someway to make it up to you later

....you already do

Turns out the sleeping in the same bed situation was not a one time thing.Kaveh didn't take Alhaitham as the cuddly type at all before this started happening,but there he was wrapping his arms around the architect every night.the way Alhaitham melts into his warmth,seemingly finding comfort in the architect's fimiliar scent.if animals really could smell fear Kaveh was sure he wouldn't last.well because to be frank he found it embarrassingly cute.of course he would never say it to the fox's face,he would rather be homeless than admit that...wait did he just admit this was his home? T-that wasn't the point,it's just weird sudden thoughts again.weird thoughts spurred on by lack of sleep.definitely

Someday he really has to admit to himself he just genuinely cares about Alhaitham's wellbeing.he always has since they were in the akademiya,but that wasn't today.he didn't have to say he like his roommate..for now at least.what he should be doing is helping him get readjusted to life

The blonde actually manages to get Alhaitham out of the house,to be fair it's at night but it's still progress.it's a better time since no one is awake.it lets the fox focus on his hearing.it really is calming,sitting in the akademiya gardens while staring at your very platonic,totally not lovable roommate passionately...yeah that's totally what happening right now.Kaveh suddenly hopes the sound of his heartbeats aren't audible


Eh? What for?

Mnn..I was being mean to you for no reason

..This is about you saying we've been treating you like a child right?

...I've already lived with sensitive hearing my entire life,i don't want to feel less in control


I've worked so hard to be this independent,I don't want to lose that

Being able to read the valuka's emotions makes situations harder than they need to be.don't get him wrong,Kaveh was the only one who could read him perfectly already,but even he had trouble with the feelings Alhaitham bottled up.things he won't even let the blonde see.so now finally getting a glimpse of that is...strange.thats the word he was looking for.when he thinks Alhaitham is ignoring him only to find his tail happily wagging,or the way his ears tilt in the blonde's direction whenever he tries his hardest to look away.Kaveh realizes that maybe Alhaitham has been giving him as much attention as he does him

So he should do the same,let his fox of a roommate do things on his own.he doesn't need to worry when he's reminded the scribe has lived like this his whole life.of course he would know better than anyone,the blonde feels a bit silly now.in trying to protect them he was doing the same thing that harmed them.doesn't matter if they have a disability or not,you should always give someone a chance to be heard,no matter their age.maybe things can be a bit more normal with his big animal of a roommate.though speaking of being a big animal Alhaitham has also gained the habit of falling asleep on top of the architect.the blonde eventually learned to accept that in this state he's not able to get any work done.now however? Kaveh supposes he can let it slide a few times

Haitham,get up..

..it's not my fault you chose the only place in the house where it's sunny all day

...alright,it's your choice you big oaf~

Their Company

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