Protective Husband 💙💚

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Written 24/03/24

Trigger warning: mentions of a knife

Louis and Harry walked hand in hand through the busy streets of the city, their laughter blending with the sounds of the evening rush. As they strolled, Louis couldn't help but notice the way Harry's eyes sparkled with excitement, his smile lighting up the darkness around them.

But among the busy streets, Louis remained vigilant, his protective instincts kicking in whenever a stranger brushed too close or a car sped by a little too recklessly. He tightened his grip on Harry's hand, a silent promise to keep him safe no matter what.

Suddenly, a group of teenagers stumbled out of a nearby alley, their loud voices echoing off the walls. Louis instinctively stepped in front of Harry, shielding him from the potential danger.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" one of the teenagers slurred, knife in hand glaring at Louis with drunken defiance.

But Louis stood his ground, his gaze steady and unwavering. "We don't want any trouble," he replied calmly, his voice laced with authority.

Harry rested a reassuring hand on Louis's arm, his touch grounding. "Let's just keep walking," he whispered, his eyes flickering with gratitude.

With a nod, Louis led Harry away from the confrontation, their steps quickening as they left the chaos behind them. As they walked, Louis couldn't shake the feeling of protectiveness that coursed through his veins, a fierce determination to keep Harry safe at all costs.

And as they reached the safety of their apartment, Louis wrapped Harry in a tight embrace, his heart overflowing with love and gratitude. In that moment, he knew that no matter what challenges they faced, he would always be there to stand by Harry's side, as a steadfast guardian and a devoted partner.

As they settled into the cozy warmth of their apartment, Louis couldn't shake off the lingering unease from the encounter on the street. He watched Harry, curled up on the couch with a book, his expression serene but Louis knew him well enough to sense the underlying tension.

"Are you okay, Haz?" Louis asked, his voice soft with concern as he settled beside him, wrapping an arm around Harry's shoulders.

Harry sighed, leaning into Louis's embrace. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit shaken up, I guess."

Louis pressed a gentle kiss to Harry's forehead, his heart aching at the thought of anyone causing his boyfriend distress. "I won't let anything happen to you, you know that, right? I'll always protect you."

Harry's eyes met Louis's, a tender smile playing at his lips. "I know, Lou. And I feel safe with you."

They stayed like that for a while, lost in the comfort of each other's presence, until the tension slowly went away, replaced by a sense of peace and contentment.

Later that night, as they climbed into bed, Louis wrapped Harry in his arms, holding him close as they drifted off to sleep. In the darkness, surrounded by the quiet rhythm of their breathing, Louis made a silent vow to always be there for Harry, to shield him from harm and cherish him with all his heart.

And as they slept, entwined in each other's embrace, Louis knew that no matter what challenges they faced, they would always find comfort and strength in the bond they shared.

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