Chapter 1: At Night

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A night like so many others, I was home alone again, after a working day that seemed to never end. More overtime will almost certainly not be paid, almost an hour of drive, and I'm home. With an ice cream taken “on the road” instead of dinner, a stupid TV show to make some noise in the room, I spend my umpteenth evening as a single thirty -year- old disconsolate.
Thinking back, today was not a bad day: the work went quite well, I was able to solve several problems and manage situations as complicated as they were, I could be proud of myself. My boss, for the first time, seems to have noticed my commitment and my professionalism. He is still quite young, only a few years older than me, yet he manages three divisions of our software company without problems. To think I have seen him smile very few times, he is always super serious and super concentrated. He gives me that feeling of admiration mixed with restlessness altogether. I don't think I've ever seen him with a woman. There are rumors that he might be gay, but I've never even seen him flirt with a man either. I continued my thoughts between one spoonful of ice cream and another. He is tall, handsome, and, of course, well-educated. He could fascinate any person, regardless of their gender. I know for sure that he is admired by both women and men. Who knows if he's straight? With the fact that I've been single for some time now, I start thinking about the strangest things. But if there's one thing I really shouldn't do, it's think of my boss in those terms.
I finish my tub of ice cream and start doing some TV zapping. At some point, I come across an erotic film and stop.
It's a sadomasochism scene that grabs my attention. In what looks like a prison cell, there are two boys and one girl. One boy is tied to the cross in the shape of an "X," with a mask on his face. The other is on his knees, licking the foot of the girl who is holding him on a leash. On the collar there’s the word “SLAVE”. The girl is tall and very beautiful: she has very long raven black hair, slightly disheveled, green eyes and a wonderful olive skin. Wear a black latex bodice with a super short skirt that leaves very little room for imagination. In one hand, she holds the leash. In the other, the leather whip. With total mastery and ease, she pulls the boy on his knees towards her, pointing out exactly where to lick her feet, and at every “lack” she gives him a firm whip. The boy seems to totally like it and responds promptly to every request from his mistress. He is wearing only a pair of boxers and knee pads, a latex mask that covers half of his face.
The whole thing is very erotic and honestly ignites my long-time repressed desires. As I continue to watch, I feel a slight excitement pop-up in my body. I'm a little ashamed, but I can't look away. I gaze around the room as if to make sure I'm not seen ... and then I keep looking.
The scene continues with her playing with the boy tied to the cross, touching him everywhere while continuing to keep the other on a leash. After a while, she unties him from the cross and puts him on his knees while making the other lie down on the ground. What happens shortly thereafter leaves me completely speechless.
I've never been a huge fan of porn. I think I looked at something out of curiosity when I was very young and inexperienced, but with the first relationships, I left that field. I've had some idea about sex up until now, but this view is completely messing everything up for me.
The girl puts a belt around her waist, looks like a leather panty with straps, and then screws a rubber dildo into it. She approaches the boy lying on the ground and gets on her knees between his legs. Then, she puts her fingers in the other man’s mouth and orders him to suck them, takes them out, takes a lubricant, spreads it on her fingers, and then... slips them into the bum of the boy who is on the ground.
‘ Oh my God! What the heck am I looking at!’ Then, she put the lube on the dildo and then she penetrates him! .... she ... oh ... these are certainly not things I'm used to. I don't know whether to be aroused or ... astounded. While penetrating the boy, she pulls by the neck the other, who had remained on his knees and gets her breast sucked, and in the meantime, she touches him there ... full erection ...  “put it in my ass!” She leans forward on the guy who is penetrated, touching his penis, and lets the other take her from behind. Those entangled bodies move together in complete ecstasy, and I, almost by reflex, slide my hand into my panties, I can't help but touch myself, I feel completely wet. I don't understand why, but the scene turns me on in an unspeakable way. I play with my clitoris and then, I put my finger inside, I feel it squeezed ... I really want to do it .. The woman takes off the mask of the guy who she just fucked and kisses him, while she is having what looks like an orgasm. The other cums on her back, and lastly, comes the sodomized boy.
He seems to have a familiar face. Where could I have seen it?
I ended up masturbating in front of the television tonight. I fell really low. I can't get the image of a woman penetrating a man out of my head. Honestly, I didn't think it was possible as a practice. I'm really hopeless when it comes to sex. Maybe that's why I can't get a man, they get bored with me. After what I've seen, I’m almost sure. I'm ugly, sour, spinster, and cat lady too. Let's face it, what kind of man would like to have sex with someone who in her thirties and passes years is still ashamed of the word blowjob ... I better go to bed, tomorrow another busy day awaits me.

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