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There he sat on his black SUV with a cigarette clenched between his lips taking a long drag. As he took another drag, He noticed his friend leaning on his car scrolling through his phone with an annoying smirk plastered on his face probably discussing with one of his many flings.

He took another long drag causing the nicotine to surge into his lungs making him release a sigh as his body relaxed

The ringing of the bell caught him off guard causing his once relaxed body to turn rigid once again.

" Ohh, It's time. Let's not be late for the first day" His friend's overly annoying voice said pulling his phone in his trousers.

He flung the cigarette butt on the ground jumping off his car.

Lucuis Morelli stood a feet taller than most of his peers. With his messy carefree jet black hairs, cold green eyes a bulky hard and muscular body, and a murderous aura making you think twice before approaching him.

On the other hand, William Brooks his friend or his other half as he likes to call himself is more on the lean side with golden hair, hazelnut eye and a joyful aura surrounding his carefree self making him have this boyish charm few people could resist.

The duo made their way to the main building.

Climbing the stairs, Deep in his thoughts, Lucius mind wander to no end when his nose caught a sweet faint smell. Scrunching up his nose, he tried to inhale more of it when something soft brush past him. He immediately turn around and is greeted by the most beautiful sight he has ever seen.

Beautiful snow white hairs interlocked together flowing freely leaving behind a trail of their exquisite smell.

He looked at her retreating figure.... well more like her being dragged away from him in awe without blinking even once.

From her parted plumb red lips inviting him to suck on it to her dress freely displacing her milky thighs passing by those hairs he so much wanted to fist in his hand while fucking her from behind inhaling her sweet vanilla scent.

Hands snuck deep in his pocket, William gaze at his friend who was staring without blinking at the empty hallway.

"Hey man,...." William called unsure of what to say

"Let's go, let's not be late" Lucius pissed off voice boomed in the hallway

"Hmmm" Will mumbled unsure as to why his friend seems mad why he was fine a moment ago. He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he did not realise that Lucius was already ahead of him.

He shrugged off his shoulder and took long strides to catch up with him.

Lucius's scary demeanour was enough to make you shit in your pants with a murderous glint in his eyes clenched jaw and his imposing stature, He could not stop thinking of a certain silver haired beauty. He tried several times to get her out of his head but that seem impossible.

Again and again, He tried concentrating on the professor waving his hands trying to explain something he had no clue of but his mind drifted to that girl over and over until he could no longer take it.

He abruptly stood up and without any form of delay he slammed the door shut leaving the teacher and students confused.

Lucius roam around confused as to why the girl captivated him so much. After all that girl seem pretty underage.

"Fuck..." He cursed

Hailey's POV

"Heyyy...." I try to shield my lunch away from Jenna putting it above my head

I'm actually in having lunch with Jenna and some other girls which I didn't get the name but she would not stop stealing a piece of my cake here and there.

She leans against the table trying to grab my lunchbox buy I stretch my hands higher keeping it out of reach.

"You're mean" She grumble she crossed her arms looking away with a pout.

"There're cakes over there you can buy one" I pointed at a random shelf filled with cakes.

" No, yours is tastier than those crappy things" she said sounding annoyed

I look at her dreamy eyes eying my remaining piece of cake with a pout

"Hah..." I sighed giving her my lunch box

"Thanks" she hastily grap the box with a smile soo wide that I thought her jaw may rip off.

I smile looking at her eating like a starve beast.

I'm grateful Jackson bumped into me this morning and I got to meet Jenna if not I would not I will be pretty lonely. I don't really understand why but since this morning everyone will stare at me wiredly.

Most of the girls glare at me while others ignore me and it's like some are even afraid to approach me. I know I look a bit different with my hair colour but... seriously....

Jenna is really fun to be around she's sweet but overly protective. For example she nearly got into a fight more than 3 times just in our way to the cafeteria.

If a boy stare linger a little bit he's done for and believe me when
Jenna is mad...... Let's not talk about it.

'I hope this year and the years to come will be just as beautiful as now'

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