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"I must say, Damien's a lucky man," Rico says, his hand moving slowly up my dress.

I giggle, playfully swatting at his chest. "Oh, I'm sure you say that to all the girls."

Rico leans in closer, "Only the special ones, cariño. And something tells me you're very special indeed."

He nuzzles into my neck, his lips finding my racing pulse. I let out a breathy moan, tilting my head to give him better access even as my stomach churns in disgust.

You can do this, Catherine. Just a few more minutes.

Rico's hands are all over me, his touch bold and hungry as he presses me back into the couch cushions. 

I let him kiss me, his fingers pushing up the hem of my dress.

It takes every ounce of my acting skills to moan and pretend I'm loving it, even though my skin is crawling.

Rico slips his hand between my legs, his teeth grazing my collarbone as he growls his appreciation. "God, you're so fuckin' sexy" he murmurs against my skin, his hand sliding into my panties. "I can see why Damien keeps you around."

His fingers find the zipper of my dress, tugging it down with an agonizing slowness. I swallow hard, as I feel the fabric start to slip off of me.

This is the point of no return. If I don't do something right now, things will go too far. Damien would totally flip his shit if he saw me all tangled up with his sleazeball uncle, even if it's just an act.

I can't do this..

Thinking quickly, I pull away from Rico with a flirty smile, grabbing the shot glasses. "How about one more round before we really get this party started?"

Rico grins, his eyes all glassy and his breath reeking of liquor. "I like the way you think, gorgeous." Pour the shots and then bring that fine ass back to Daddy."

I go over to the bar and pour him another shot. I take out the crushed-up pills from my bra and dump the powder into Rico's glass, swirling it to make sure it dissolves.

My heart's pounds like crazy as I hand him the spiked drink, tapping my glass against his in a toast.

Rico throws back the shot, slamming the empty glass down with a grunt. "Okay, less drinking, more of that pretty mouth on me," he slurs, already pawing at me again. "Wanna see if it's as sweet as it looks."

I let him yank me close, bracing myself for another round of slobbery kisses and wandering hands. I just gotta keep him busy a little longer, distract him 'til the drugs knock him on his ass.

So I kiss him back like my life depends on it, wrapping myself around him and pressing up against his body. I let him grope me, fighting the urge to cringe away as his touches get pushier.

The whole time, I'm counting in my head, praying for the pills to kick in. Just a little more, I chant silently.

After a few minutes of him undressing me and giving me hickies, I feel Rico's movements start to slow, his grip on my thighs loosening. He pulls back with a confused frown, blinking rapidly.

"I feel so...so tired all of a sudden..."

I brush his hair back soothingly, easing him down onto the couch as his eyelids droop. "Shh, just relax, baby. Let it take you. Doesn't it feel good to just...let go?"

The last of the tension leaves his body as the drugs pull him under, his head leaning against the cushions. I hold my breath, counting to ten before I untangle myself from him.

On shaky legs, I put my clothes back on and fix my smeared lipstick.

I pull out my phone and call Damien.

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