Chapter 5: Training

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Jeonghan's POV

I watch Seungcheol devour his breakfast. He's the one who makes breakfast because Hoshi couldn't cook even if it were to save his life. I like that he's a man that can cook. I wonder what more can he do...

I slightly lean in out of curiosity to further study him. He's so handsome. His lips look thick and soft, he has big, downturned eyes with long lashes, and his hair looks soft. He's quite the looker~

He noticed me staring so I quickly look away. I can hear him snickering. "Would you like to eat with me?" He proposes while smiling sheepishly. He must be so embarrassed that I was staring! I clear my throat, "Oh! Sorry, don't mind me, hehe~" Hmm... he really does eat a lot. I'm sure he'll have enough energy for training today.

I get up and walk around his kitchen, studying my scenery. I love the décor... it's neat and some of it is adorable like some of the cute tiger utensils that I see; I can't help but hold one of them~

I can feel Seungcheol peering at me. He then approaches me from behind, placing his head over my shoulder while his hands rest at my lower waist. Does he usually get this comfortable with his friends...? Either way, it's not like I'm hating this!

"Watchu staring at there...?" He asks with his big, curious eyes meeting mine. "Just this tiger spoon; it's sooo cute!~" I really couldn't help myself. He snickers a bit; still at my neck, which I can't help but blush. I can feel his breath tickling my skin; what a nice sensation from him. "It's Soonyoung's. He really, really loves tigers." He clarifies. I nod like I was paying attention to his words; I'm more so focused on his actions. Before I know it, he lets go of me. How disappointing.

"...Why are you pouting? You're so cute you know." He smirks. This guy... I need to hide myself better! I clear my throat, "Well, since you're done with your breakfast, that means your training can commence." And with that, we exit his house.


Seungcheol seems to be in good shape. He has a lot of stamina and has a toned and muscular build. He's pretty good. He's currently on his third lap of jogging around the park and this park is pretty huge, however, he did take some breaks along the way. The only reason why I can keep up with him is because I've been flying while watching over him. Right now he's stopped to take a break.

"Hah... hah... *pant* How am I doing so far?" He asks, breathlessly. I float down to the ground, "So far, so good, my adorable apprentice~" I smirk as I see a tint of pink on his cheeks, "You're very resilient and have a lot of stamina. You seem trained already, but I guess I could already tell from our first encounter..." I seriously couldn't forget the fact that I've seen his full figure before... our first night~ Of course nothing actually happened that night!

"Yeah, I actually work out in my spare time!" He exclaims shyly. He's so cute~ "Well then, I guess that makes you good enough, physically!" His eyes light up at that fact. "Woo! So, does that mean I get to find out more about my artefact?" His eyes are now beaming. "I guess so... Let's not waste anymore time then!" I put forth.

Seungcheol suddenly looks at me with concern. "Jeonghan, we mustn't do this out here, right? And also... you were flying earlier; don't you think you should be more careful?" He enquires. I can't help but giggle. I guess he really cares.

I laugh, "See? This is why you're my adorable apprentice! You're so caring Seungcheol." He blushes, "I-I'm just looking out for you..." He stutters. "Oh my... Did somebody forget about my powers? Trust me, I'm no stranger to this. There's a reason why I do this so brazenly." I state as I approach him.

I stand behind him and place my hands on his shoulders. With our faces so close, I mutter, "Now, let's get started, my apprentice. You don't have to worry about onlookers, especially not this early in the morning. Let's relax and begin." I smirk and take this opportunity to read his mind.

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