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The next morning, Carly and Freddie wake up to the sound of birds chirping outside the window. They stretch and yawn, realizing they slept through the night on the couch. As they slowly come to their senses, they remember the power outage and begin to discuss their plan for the day. With the power still out, they decide to make the most of it by having a cozy breakfast together and perhaps exploring some activities they can do without electricity. Little do they know, this unexpected turn of events will lead to a day filled with bonding, laughter, and unexpected surprises.

Freddie: "Good morning, babe. Power's still out, huh? So, are you still wanting to talk to Spencer today about everything?"

Carly: "Morning, Freddie. Yeah, I think it's important to have that conversation. We can't keep avoiding it."

Freddie: "I agree. It's better to address any issues head-on. Do you want me to be there with you when you talk to him?"

Carly: "I appreciate the offer, Freddie, but I think this is something I need to do on my own."

Freddie: "Of course, Carly. Just know that I'm here for you no matter what."

Carly: "Thanks, Freddie. Your support means everything to me."

Freddie: "Anytime, Carly. Just let me know if you need anything."

Carly: "Will do. Let's figure out a plan for today and then we can go from there."

[They begin to discuss their plan for the day, preparing themselves for the conversation ahead.]

Freddie: "Hey Carly, I was thinking I could go hang out with Gibby for a bit. I'm sure Sam has driven him nuts by now."

Carly: "That sounds like a good idea, Freddie. It'll give you a chance to catch up with Gibby and give Sam some space."

Freddie: "Yeah, exactly. Plus, it'll be nice to spend some time with Gibby. It's been a while."

Carly: "Definitely. And it'll give me some time to have that conversation with Spencer."

Freddie: "You got this, Carly. Just remember to take your time and be honest with him."

Carly: "Thanks, Freddie. I'll do my best."

Freddie: "And if you need me for anything, just let me know. I'll be there in a heartbeat."

Carly: "I know you will, Freddie. Thanks for always being there for me."

Freddie: "Always, Carly. Now, go talk to Spencer and I'll go catch up with Gibby."

[They share a smile before going their separate ways, each prepared to tackle the day ahead.]

Carly: sits down and takes a deep breath before texting Spencer "You can come down anytime you want now. I'm ready."

[She hesitates for a moment before hitting send, feeling a mix of nervousness and determination.]

Freddie: gives Carly a gentle kiss on the forehead "I'll see you later, Carly. Take your time and remember, I'm just a call away if you need me."

Carly: smiles softly "Thanks, Freddie. I'll see you later."

[Freddie heads out, leaving Carly to prepare herself for the conversation with Spencer.]

Freddie: "Hey Gibby, it's Freddie. Wanna meet up at the Groovy Smoothie for some smoothies?"

Gibby: "Hey Freddie! Yeah, that sounds awesome. I'm down for some smoothies."

Freddie: "Great! I'll meet you there in about 15 minutes."

Gibby: "Sounds good, see you soon!"

[Freddie hangs up and heads out to meet Gibby at the Groovy Smoothie for some refreshing drinks and catch up time.]

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