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Freddie: *yawns and stretches* "Good morning, Carly. Did you sleep well?"

Carly: *smiles sleepily* "Good morning, Freddie. Yeah, I slept like a baby. How about you?"

Freddie: *grins* "I slept great too. Ready to tackle the day?"

Carly: *nods* "Definitely. But first, coffee."

Freddie: *chuckles* "Agreed. Let's go make some breakfast and start our day right."

[They share a smile before getting up to start their morning routine, ready to take on whatever the day has in store for them.]

Freddie: "Hey Carly, do you still wanna go to the hiking trail where we were under the stars last summer, where I proposed to you?"

Carly: *smiles* "Yes, Freddie, I'd love to. It would be nice to revisit that special place."

Freddie: "Great! I was thinking we could pack a picnic and spend the day there, just enjoying each other's company."

Carly: *grins* "That sounds perfect. Let's make it happen."

[They share a moment of excitement, looking forward to reliving cherished memories and creating new ones together.]

Freddie: "Let's have some coffee and breakfast, then we can head out."

Carly: "Sounds like a plan. I'll make us some coffee while you whip up some breakfast."

Freddie: "Deal. How about some pancakes and fresh fruit?"

Carly: "That sounds amazing. I'll get started on the coffee while you work your magic in the kitchen."

[They work together to prepare breakfast and coffee, excited for the adventure ahead.]

Carly: *feels a sudden kick and smiles* "Looks like someone's excited for breakfast, huh?"

Freddie: *chuckles* "Seems like it! I can't wait to meet our little kicker."

Carly: *rubs her belly gently* "Me neither. It's such a special feeling."

Freddie: *places a hand on Carly's belly* "She's gonna be a little adventurer, just like her parents."

Carly: *grins* "Definitely. But for now, let's focus on getting some breakfast in us so we can fuel up for our adventure today."

[They share a tender moment, marveling at the anticipation of parenthood and the joy of their growing family.]

Freddie: "Breakfast is ready, Carly! I made some fluffy pancakes and sliced up some fresh fruit."

Carly: *smiles as she joins Freddie in the kitchen* "Everything looks delicious, Freddie. Thank you!"

Freddie: *beaming* "My pleasure. Let's dig in!"

[They sit down at the table together, enjoying the hearty breakfast Freddie prepared with love, savoring the moment before they embark on their adventure.]

Freddie: "I'm glad you and Spencer are in better terms."

Carly: "Yeah, me too. It feels good to have everything out in the open and to know that we're on the same page."

Freddie: "Definitely. Family is important, and it's nice to see you two reconnecting."

Carly: "Thanks, Freddie. I appreciate your support through it all."

Freddie: "Of course, Carly. I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

[They share a warm smile, grateful for the understanding and support they offer each other.]

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