Chapter 7 Bonding in a blizzard

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It was like the snow never stopped snowing it felt like a blizzard was coming in from the sea making visibility zero. Javier and Marina woke up looking at each other with smiles as he decided to make chocolate chip blueberry pancakes for breakfast Javier made his way to the kitchen getting the ingredients to make the pancakes. "Javi it's beautiful outside look" Marina said looking at the window that was near the ocean since she wanted to go with Javier and swim in the ocean, but she know it would be deadly for him. "Marina about what you said earlier about a family did you mean it having a family" Javier said almost getting done with the pancakes serving a plate for him and Marina.

*Knock knock*

Javier and Marina stopped and looked at who was knocking on the door at a time like this especially at 8 in the morning. He got up and opened the door it was Mark and Cherry "Hey Javi look I'm sorry we came at a time like this we ended up passing out in our car and our work called said that we have to work at home for the time being also did you make pancakes it smells good" Mark said breathing into his hands trying to keep warm. "Here come in so you guys are not freezing out there and si hermono I did make some pancakes you want some" Javier said getting extra plates for Mark and Cherry couldn't help and ask "So Javi I never got to ask what is your ethnicity since I'm German and a little bit of Polish and Mark is French".

"Oh I'm actually Mexican and Irish well my Dad was Mexican as for my mom was Irish he was in the Marines and after my Dad got honorable discharged after his 4 years he met my mother at a beautiful restaurant called Aztec Mexican restaurant I used to go there as a kid he was celebrating in his dress blues he was 22 with his family and my mother was 21 a waitress for the restaurant they locked eyes and danced the night away" Javier said with a smile on his face. Mark and Cherry couldn't help, but smile that he had beautiful parents as they ate the pancakes Mark, Cherry and Marina ate all the pancakes as they smiled then Javier turned on the TV and the News reported that there would be a blizzard for a good solid week and the visible would be zero.

"Great a blizzard is coming in and visibility is going to be zero" Javier said as he picking up some laundry and putting his clothes away. Mark and Cherry asked Javier where they can stay which he pointed at the guest room as Javier continued to put his clothes away then Marina walked to Cherry feeling her hair since she never saw red hair like the fruit cherry "Marina have you not seen anyone with hair like this before" Cherry said. "No I not seen it before, but it's beautiful" Marina said as she stopped touching cherry's hair then just sat down near Javier and just started ruffling his hair placing a kiss on his cheek. Mark, but couldn't help, but ask how long Javier and Marina were dating since Javier never mentioned how they met since Javier said that he met her by the beach while surfing since he knew if he told the truth it will ruined his and Mark's friendship.

"So Marina what is your ethnicity since you've known mine, Mark's and Javi's now so what is your's" Cherry said drinking some water. Marina sat there quietly not wanting to answer so Javier answered for her "She uh doesn't like to talk about that she doesn't have much communication with her family, but one day she'll know what her heritage is". Javier started fixing Marina's hair into little curls at the end of her hair which she hissed accidentally at him because she had a bruise on the back of her head which he noticed and decided to avoid it so it can heal. Mark and Cherry were confused on why Marina hissed at him which they brushed it off as nothing much else then him accidentally pulling her a little to hard.

*A few hours later*

It was around 7 pm and they have decided to do a karaoke night Mark sang a love song to cherry while Marina and Javier watch as he did a cool guitar solo then ended the song with an rockstar pose. When Mark sat down it was Cherry's turn to sing a song about how life is beautiful as she hit every note in the song causing everyone to smile and applaud for her. When it came to Javier's turn to sing he decided to sing a song about pain and how it can scar life as he started off soft then eventually going into more depth while still trying to keep his composer together so he won't have another emotional breakdown. It left Mark and Cherry surprised that Javier was able to sing the song and go with the emotions into it since Mark knew it was his favorite song to sing or listen to whenever he was upset.

When it was around 10 or 11 at night they decided to call it a night to try and get some rest hoping that the blizzard would just pass and not cause severe damage. "Javi why do friends care for you when I love you" Marina said as she held Javier close not wanting to let go of him "They were there for me in my darkest days when I lost my parents It was a tragic day for me but Mark and Cherry help me get through those rough times It was before I met you Marina" Javier said as he kissed her with true love. Marina saw him getting tired as she decided to sing her beloved siren song to help him fall asleep which he did fall asleep holding Marina close not wanting to let go of her. Marina couldn't help but just wonder how she can be a wonderful person to such a handsome and beautiful guy like Javier as she watched him fall asleep ruffling his hair and then heard another person screaming as she opened the balcony door and closing it then jumping off the balcon to where the screaming was and it was coming from the ocean it sounded like one of her own people being hunted or hurt she knew what she had to do she had to go find them as she dove to the water and swam.

(Sorry this chapter was a little late I have been super busy with my school and it's just been taking a toll on me but I am getting back to posting another chapter soon thank you for all the patience and thank you for supporting me)

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