Chapter Eight

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Isabela's POV:

Ever since that moment at the café, every morning before we left for work, the looks we gave each other knew that it was not a mistake. We both wanted it, and we needed a release badly.

I made my way to work to see Caitlyn and River there, both seeming to be in a heated discussion but as soon as I entered they stopped. I looked at them both wondering if it was about me.

"Is everything okay?" I asked them, curiosity hitting me like usual.



I looked to River as she said no, wondering what is happening, was it to do with the club or me personally.

River motioned me to follow her to the office, a blush creeping onto my cheeks remembering what happened here only two days ago.

River sat at her desk motioning me to sit on the couch, I smiled remembering that way Jaylin felt, I needed that again.

"How close are you with Jaylin, your neighbour?" she asked, and I froze for a moment, I did not expect that or the fact that they knew Jaylin only from being a teacher.

"Oh, not that close, well not like close, I mean... we are friends" I rambled on, and River gave a sigh. Have I missed something.

"Why, what's going on?" I asked and she ran hand over her face.

"Nothing you need to worry about just something to do with my sister, honestly don't worry about it" she said but I was worrying now. She didn't say anything else just let me get on with my day but all through work, thoughts ran through my head about what any of that meant.

Through my lunch, through serving customers and even the walk home my brain was racked with different possibilities. Was Jay seeing River's sister? Was Jay in trouble? Do they know what I did in the office?

I walked up the stairs to my place and seeing Jay at my door about to knock, they seemed nervous. I whistled out to her, and she jumped upon hearing me and then looking nervous as she rubbed the back of her neck as I walked down the hall towards her.

"After me?" I asked and she nodded.

"I wanted to ask you something" she said, and I motioned her to follow me inside. I quickly hid the new mask I had for work and told her to wait as I quickly went to my room to put my stuff down and keep the mask out of view. I looked in the mirror quickly, I opened a couple buttons of my blouse and tousled my hair, got to make an effect sometimes.

I walked back to see her looking around and as her eyes landed on me, I saw the smile appear, it worked.

"So, what did you want to ask?" I said and crossed my arms under my breasts pushing them up.

Her eyes were glued on me, and she slowly looked to my eyes, "I-I wanted to ask if you would like to go on a date with me?" she asked, and I smiled as them words left her lips.

"I'd love to, just text me when and what I need to wear" I said, and she took a step closer to me and I wasted no time knowing what she needed. I stepped closer as well and grabbed her by the shirt and pulled her to me as our lips crashed together. The breathes of relief that we both released was needed, I don't know when our limit is reached but this attraction is high right now between us.

She grabbed me by the thighs lifting me up with ease, our lips never leaving one another as her tongue slipped in my mouth roamed each area as she then sucked on mine. She walked to what she assumed was my room and placed me down just before the bed and detached our lips for a moment as she slipped off her shirt and I ripped my blouse off not caring about the buttons spilling everywhere.

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