Long, long ago, deep in the pacific ocean, on islands unknown by man or mortal were creatures of Earth's ancient past.However, there is one that stands above the rest of her kind,T-rex. A particularly large Alpha female T-Rex. She was the island's a...
Nickname:Sky hunter, the hybrid, Dunkleosteus of the sky and sea, coast( by tyrant, two-horn, spinotor, velvette, and Vox), and fish-demon.
Height:7 feet tall to 217 meter tall(true/kaiju form)
Weight: 57,000 metric tons
Hair:White hair
Eye Color: Blue
Skin:grey-light blue
Body type: Thinner yet muscalur body.
Race: synthetic kaiju hybrid, hybrid kaiju
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Half form- 12 feet tall
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True/Kaiju form
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Personality: pure instinct, little talkativeness, stoic,and personality of a hunter.Sarcosteon is a hunter - he knows no other motivation or satisfaction. When he moves on the ground, all his momentum comes from his forelimbs. His locked stare is terrifying to opponents - he never breaks eye contact unless he is about to bite. He is very is kind rarely to only their earn his trust.