Chpt 1 !

126 4 0

June 30th, 2022

I was currently sitting on the couch at the Sturniolo house planning the Fourth of July plans with my best friend Nick Sturniolo.

"Where the fuck do we even get fireworks?" Chris chimes in.

"Hold on let me google it." Nick says pulling out his phone.

"Home Depot?" I suggest while Nick googles where the hell to get fireworks.

"Oh my god Kiara Home Depot doesn't have everything." Chris says giggling.

"They have showers, fridges, food, and couches. How could they not?" I say listing the items on my hand.

Matt and Chris look at each other and laugh at the random list I named while Nick shushes them.

"I'm trying to concentrate stop giggling!" Nick says scolding the two of them.

"Stop giggling!" Chris mimics in a high pitched voice, Nick glares at him and throws an unopened Pepsi can straight at his nuts.

Chris yells in pain and dramatically falls off the couch, causing Matt and I to laugh hysterically.

"Nick why would you do that!" Chris yells at him still on the floor in pain.

"Maybe don't be such a fucking asshole all the time! And stop trying to impress Kie when she comes over she doesn't think you're funny." Nick deadpans causing me to giggle slightly.

"Okay so where do we get fireworks?" Matt ask trying to defuse the tension.

"Uh I think I googled it wrong because it's telling me Petsmart, hold on." Nick says typing it in again. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, while Matt and Chris share a confused glance.

"Oh okay um, it says Walmart. When did Walmart sell fireworks?" Nick says confused.

"I thought they only sold the little magic stones." I say grabbing Nicks phone making sure it was right.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Chris ask me.

"You know the little fucking rocks you throw at the ground that pop?" I say trying to explain it.

"Yeah I've got no fucking clue what you're babbling about right now." Nick says sighing.

"Yes you do! We bought them last year, and Trevor accidentally stepped on one and got scared and ran off remember?" I ask laughing at the memory.

"Oh! Wait yeah, that was fucking hilarious." Matt says laughing.

"No it wasn't, Trevor was so scared he ran off for like 2 hours and none could find him. Poor little guy." Chris says shaking his head sadly. We all look at Chris and laugh at his childish behavior.

"Who should we all invite?" Nick asks opening his notes app to make a list.

"For sure Maddy, and Alahna." Chris says while sipping on the Pepsi that was previously throw at his nuts, Nick begins typing on his phone adding the girls to the list.

"Nathan." I say taking a sip of Chris's Pepsi while he slaps my hand away and gives me an angry look.

"Doe?" Matt asks.

"No my Nathan." I say referring to my best friend Nathan Bower.

"Aww your Nathan!" Nick teases, knowing I don't like him like that.

"Nick respectfully shut the fuck up." I say laughing at him.

"Your little Nathan-poo!" Chris says teasingly and making kissing noises.

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