Chpt 2 !

83 3 4

December 23rd, 2022


It's Christmas Eve, Eve and me and my brothers weren't as happy this year. Our best friend hasn't been talking to us, Kiara has been MIA since the Halloween party and hasn't contacted anyone. She hasn't posted anything, and that's pretty ironic since she posts consistently and was very passionate about her YouTube career.

"Has anyone heard from Kiara yet?" I ask breaking the silence between me and my brothers.

"No, I'm really worried about her." Chris says quietly. For some reason out of all of us Chris seemed the most worried, it was odd.

Matt just sat there silently ignoring the both of us continuing to text someone on his phone.

"Matt?" I ask him.

"No." He says simply, showing no emotion.

"What's your problem? You've been an asshole to everyone since Kiara left, you know it's not just you that she left. She left all of us, we're all hurt too Matt. Stop being so selfish, she's my best friend." I say snapping at him.

"..I think it's my fault." Matt says sighing and setting his phone down. Chris and I share a looking before invading Matt with questions.

"What did you do?"

"What are you talking about?"

"What happened?"

"Why do you think it's your fault?"

"Shut the fuck up, and I'll tell you!" Matt snaps at Chris and I.

"We'll go on!" I say motioning for him to tell us.

"When we were at the party, I kissed her." Matt says sighing and putting his head in his hands.

"And you're just now telling us this?!" I yell at Matt annoyed.

"Are you it's that? She seemed okay on the ride home, she actually seemed pretty happy." Chris says.

"I mean I don't know, she was happy afterwards and we hung out with each other the whole night after. She seemed happy, but what if she just didn't want to hurt my feelings?" Matt says looking down at the ground, feeling hurt.

"She seemed really happy, and I can tell she likes being around you Matt. You might be reading to far into it, the only thing we can do for now is wait. It might not be any of us." I say comforting him.

"Why can't we just drive to her house and make sure she's okay? I mean if she isn't posting, isn't answering calls, she could be missing Nick." Chris says looking at me seriously.

"We can't go to her house, it's 2 hours away and besides I'm sure she's okay. She just might need some time to herself." I say trying to avoid going to her house, in case her dad would be home.

Kiara had always told me no matter what to never come to her house, and I will respect that. No matter how worried I am about her I'll respect her, I know she'll be okay. I just can't help but feel it's the only option. She won't respond to anyone's texts, she hasn't posted, she's turned off her location, I'm just worried about her. It's been months.



It's months of the same cycle over and over again. Wake up, smoke, go on my phone, smoke, take a shower, go on my phone, smoke, take a nap, smoke, repeat. I know it's bad to smoke but I can't it, once I started I didn't even think about quitting. It was never an option. And I think it makes me skinnier.

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