Chapter 9

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Mary's Mom's POV
It was Saturday,July 6th. It was 10am. I noticed that Mary hadn't come downstairs yet. I was hoping she was just in her room doing stuff. Am ready to hurt her and so is her farther. When I opened the door,however,she wasn't there. I realized that her window was opened, though. However,this house is a two-story house and I don't see a rope or anything going down the window. If she jumped,she would've died and she wasn'tthe type who would've wanted to jump. She must've snuck out the front door when me and Robert were sleeping. Maybe she finally had enough or something. I don't know. I just can't have her telling anyone about what me and my husband do to her. I went back downstairs and walked over to my husband.

"Robert,she's not in her room," I said.

"Oh good,now we don't have to deal with her," Robert said.

"Aren't you gonna miss hurting her?" I asked.

"Well yes but am still glad she's out of the house. We don't have to care for her anymore, " said Robert.

"You don't even care about her a little bit?" I asked.

"Of course not," said Robert.

"Well,aren't you at least worried about her telling anyone?" I asked.

"Now that you mention it,I am worried about that," said Robert.

"We should probably tell the mayor," I said.

"Good idea," Robert said.

With that,we left the house then started rushing around,trying to find the mayor. When we spotted her, we ran up to her. I tapped her on the shoulder then she turned around.

"Hi. Have you seen Mary by any chance?" I asked.

"I haven't. I'll let you know if I find her," said Regina.

"Thank you. We really hope she didn't run away or got kidnapped," I said.

"I hope not either. I'll let you know if something changes," said Regina.

"Okay,thank you," I said.

With that me and my husband walked away.

Regina's POV
I watched as Mary's parents walked away. I hope Mary is okay. I know she isn't with Henry cause I just saw him. I started getting worried. I walked over to the boat dock to see Hook,Rumple and Emma. I walked over to them.

"Have you guys seen Mary?" I asked.

"No,we haven't," said Emma.

"Wait,you lost her?" Hook asked.

"Well,not really. Her parents were looking for her," I said.

Hook looked at Rumple then back at me.

"Do you have any idea where she could be dearie?" Rumple asked.

"Um,no. If I did,I wouldn't have asked you guys if you guys have seen her," I said.

"This is bad. We were supposed to watch her," said Hook.

I got confused after that statement.

"Well,clearly we didn't do I good job at it dearie. He could've gotten her already," said Rumple.

"What's going on? What are you guys talking about?" I asked.

Emma also looked confused.

They were about to say something when a familiar voice said, "Hello guys. What are you guys talking about?"

I looked up to see Peter Pan. I rolled my eyes.

"We're in the middle of something Pan. You can leave," I said.

"Leave already? But I just got here," said Peter.

"Where's Mary?" Hook asked.

Peter laughed.

"How would I know? I don't even know who she is," said Peter.

"Don't play around Pan. We know you have her sense she is not here,dearie," said Rumple.

"I don't know what you guys are talking about," said Peter.

"Why would Peter have her?" Emma asked.

I was wondering the same thing. Peter laughed.

"Am surprised you guys actually listened to me and didn't tell them," said Peter.

"Tell us what?" I asked.

"That I was sending Shadow to kidnap her,which I now have her," said Peter.

With that,he disappeared. I was worried and mad at the same time. I looked at Hook and Rumple and glared. Emma had her arms crossed.

"Why didn't you two tell us about that?!" I shouted.

"Cause we knew how you guys would react" said Hook.

"Exactly. And as Pan said,he has her now. I think it's time to get her back dearie." said Rumple.

"What's going on?" a familiar voice that came out of nowhere asked.

I turned around to see Henry. I looked at the others with a worried look.

"Maybe Henry should come with us. She's his best friend after all" said Hook.

"To Neverland? What if it's a trip? What if he wants Henry?" Emma asked.

"Wait,Mary is in Neverland?" Henry asked.

"Peter Pan's shadow kidnapped her most likely last night" I said.

"Emma's right. It might be dangerous to bring Henry to Neverland" said Rumple.

"If Mary is in Neverland then that's where am going. I don't care hoe dangerous it is. She's my best friend and I can't justu let Peter have her" said Henry.

I sighed knowing that there was probably no way of talking Henry out of this.

"Okay I guess he's coming with us. We'll leave first thing tomorrow morning. Go get ready for the trip. Emma,go tell Snow and David to come with us" I said.

With that I walked away. I was really mad. Partly at Rumple and Hook but mostly at Peter.

Hey guys! I really hope you liked this chapter! I guess Regina,Emma and Henry know that Mary got kidnapped. I can't believe Hook and Rumple didn't tell them. If I were them I wouldn't listen to Peter. I'd probably also be mad at them if they didn't tell me. How do you think Snow and David will react about this? Anyway,have a good day/night!

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