Chapter 8

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Mary's POV
When I woke up,I was on the ground. I got off the ground then looked around. I saw 10 boys in front of me. I saw Shadow standing next to one boy in particular who looked quite familiar. That's when I realized where I was. I was on Neverland. AM ON NEVERLAND! WHY THE HECK AM I ON NEVERLAND?!

"Boys,let's play!" Peter Pan shouted.

The lost boys started surrounding me. I started getting scared. I can't believe am meeting my worst fear. Peter walked in front of me then lifted my chin up to meet his glaze. I started shaking in fear. I wonder if anyone noticed. Peter was grinning at me dangerously. If you asked me,it was creepy and I started feeling uncomfortable. I think he could tell to. I wonder if he has anything planned for me. I also wondered if he was gonna say anything to me.

"Welcome to Neverland Mary Diamonds," said Peter.

I stared at him in shock. I wasn't expecting him to know my name already.

"How did you know my name?" I asked.

"Might've been in Storybrooke a few times," said Peter.

Of course he was. He must've been there some of the times I felt uneasy. I hope he doesn't know that my foster parents abuse me. At least when am in Neverland,I don't have to deal with them. Am sure there glad am not there. Or maybe they're worried someone will find out. I then looked at Shadow,who was still staring at me. What if Shadow found out. Would he tell Peter? I hope not. Shadow whispered something to Peter then disappeared. I wonder what Shadow told him. Peter let go if my chin then turned to the lost boys.

"Boys,let's head to camp!" Peter shouted.

With that,the lost boys heading to camp. Peter grabbed my arm and started leading me behind the lost boys. I tried pulling away but of course he tightened his grip on me and walked a little faster. Awhile later we got to the camp. Peter sat me down on a log then sat next to me and put his arm around me. He tightened his grip around my shoulder to most likely keep me in place. He then got out hid flute and started playing it with one hand. The lost boys were dancing around. A few hours later,Peter told the lost boys to go to bed. Peter took me to a cage and locked me in there.

"How is Neverland so far?" Peter asked.

"Well I don't know. Your shadow kidnapped me and brought me to Neverland for some unknown reason" I said.

Peter chuckled.

"Of course he did. I told him to kidnap a girl and he found you so there's your answer" said Peter.

"It doesn't help that am afraid of you" I said.

Peter chuckled again.

"I like ya. Am so glad Shadow found you. Am glad your scared of me. That makes things so much better. You probably know am a villain. Let me tell you something though. Peter Pan never fails" said Peter.

"Everyone fails eventually. That includes you" I said.

"Am an exception. Now,get some sleep. I hav3 things planned for tomorrow" said Peter.

With that he walked away. I laid down on the cold ground of the cage. I can't believe am really here. Am a prisoner. With that I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

Peter Pan's POV
Am so glad that Mary is now in Neverland! Am so excited to have her! I own her now. I just hope she realizes that. She's scared of me after all. Am gonna have a lot of fun with her. Maybe eventually she'll end up liking it here. I just have to keep an eye on her so she doesn't get into trouble. Maybe her friends from Storybrooke well come and try to take her from me. I can't let them do that.
I just have to think of a plan fast. I'll probably tell them I have her sometime soon unless they find out before me. I believe Shadow took her from her parents. When they find out she's missing they might tell the mayor. Hook and Rumple already knew I was sending Shadow to kidnap her. I don't think they were expecting it so soon though. I guess I'll find out what happens. With that I walked to my tent and got in.

Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! I guess Mary and Peter finally met. Mary meant her worst fear. I wonder if she'll like it in Neverland or not. Do you think  Mary's parents will care that she's gone? Well they tell the mayor? How soon do you think Hook and Rumple will find out that Peter has her? Only one way to find out. Anyway,have a good day/night!

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